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Hi, im writing this on behalf of my girlfriend.
she got her last period on the 21st of november. since that time we had unprotected sex 4 times, i withdrew all 4 times. i know this isnt a reliable method of contraception. (she had already bought the the birth control pills but was told to wait take em untill after this period came). she took the emergency pill twice, the first time after the first 2 time we had sex and the 2nd set of pills the the 3rd and 4th time we had a sex ( the pills were taking within 24hours of sex). its now the 23rd of december and she still hasnt got her period... will the emergancy pill mess up her cycle? considering this is the first time she had takn any kind of pill?

2007-12-22 20:54:09 · 5 answers · asked by lt5pla 1 in Health Women's Health

5 answers

You bet it can mess up her cycle. This stuff is only supposed to be for emergencies, not for planned events, or so that you can avoid wearing a condom (which is what you should have done).

The morning-after pill is also far less effective than a properly used condom. That's why it's supposed to be reserved for (can't repeat this often enough) EMERGENCIES.

Your best-case scenario is that her period will be delayed (so she can't go on the pill just yet, because of the decision to rely on morning-after pills as contraception). The worst case scenario is that she's pregnant.

2007-12-23 05:17:56 · answer #1 · answered by helene 7 · 0 0

first of all you really need to realise that the morning after pills are an EMERGENCY form of birth control. i know stuff happens but your poor girlfriend is in for a whirl wind. i took it once last year and it really messed my cycle up pretty good. i didn't have a period for two months. so yes...that is normal. she may not have a period this cycle. you did have unprotected sex though so be on the lookout for early pregnancy signs and symptoms. i don't mean to sound mean but with the hard time i had personally with plan b...try to use condoms or vaginal contraceptive films until she is on the pill for at least three weeks. that stuff is hard on your body and shouldn't be used so often. good luck to you two.

2007-12-22 21:51:15 · answer #2 · answered by daisy 4 · 0 0

Its probably that the morning after pill has messed up her cycle. I had it once and know that I felt very very ill - the doctor told me that if I vomitted, I was to take the 2nd lot he gave me as it may have not had time to work before I was sick.

If she has vomitted, perhaps its not worked. Perhaps its time to invest in some condoms for a month until the pill has time to get into her system. Withdrawing is an incredibly dangerous method of contraception due to its unreliability - swimmers get out before the actual ejaculation!!

I reckon theres a 50 50 chance that she is. Four times in one month unprotected is not really smart.

2007-12-22 21:03:58 · answer #3 · answered by Jodie Z 2 · 0 0

Its a well known side effect of the morning after pill. It messes totally with the cycle. It really is not a good method of birth control.

2007-12-22 20:57:30 · answer #4 · answered by Sal*UK 7 · 0 0

Morning after pill isn't 100% effective.Get a pregnancy test they are sensitive and would show if she is pregnant.
Then buy some condoms and use them!!! With sex comes responsibiliy, do you want to be bringing up a child or paying child maintainence for the next 18 years, it's a high price to pay for a few minutes pleasure, not to mention protecting you both from sexually transmitted diseases.....

2007-12-22 21:30:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0