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i have 2.4 ghz 1gb ram and a nvidia 7600 gs 256mb
will it run and how good please help me out here

2007-12-22 20:16:58 · 1 answers · asked by Zak F 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

1 answers

install virus guard and update it to date or, minimum update once a week.
install temp file cleaning software as cccleaner,system micanic.
and install service pack as xpsp2 2000 sp6 as like this.
scan a c: drive minimum onece a week .
use disk cleanup to clean old checed files and old files.
use disk defragment to speed up file access.
don't install additional softwares what don't you want.
remove unaccess softwares from your pc.
remove unuse files in C: dricve copy it D: or E: ect .remain free space 5GB or minimum 3GB free space for temporery files in C: Drive.
add more ram Min 512MB good 1GB better 2GB for Newer games. (Don't you need to do this and usefull for others)
scan disks using scan disk once a month.
add page files double like your capacity of RAM.
My Computer properties----> advance---->perfomence settings ---> advanced--->chainge----->add c: custom size min1000 to max 2000MB --------> set to apply
set D: System managed size. set to apply.

install newer version Video card driver .download it from Nvidia.com
Install Direct X 9 or 10 Version DX 10 support to Vista only.

use UPS for protect voltages and power dropdowns .
good luck

2007-12-22 21:38:40 · answer #1 · answered by nilan 5 · 0 0