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Hey. I am a 13 year old girl. My walls have paneling and my floor is wood. I wanted to add some color to my bedroom, besides the bed. What is some DIY (do it yourself) ideas for a blue curatain? It it really long. I could get another color curtain but I like this one...but wanted something cute to add to it. It needs to be easy and like a few hour job at most. I can buy supplies...and my mom and I know how to sew...if you have any ideas of something to add to it. I also have a hot glue gun if that helps any. Please describe it and do it step by step, and a picture would help (url).

Thanks in advance!

2007-12-22 18:07:56 · 5 answers · asked by Kyndell. <3 5 in Home & Garden Do It Yourself (DIY)

Also if this helps...my curtain rod is black and it has little curly Q's on the ends! But I could replace it...what do you think?

2007-12-22 18:11:12 · update #1

5 answers

you could add stripes of a different color. either take and cut the curtains off and add a stripe of different color fabric to the bottom. you also said you have a glue gun. how about taking ribbon and gluing it to the curtains. you could either run the ribbon across or up and down or you could make designs with the ribbon.

have fun.

2007-12-23 03:54:17 · answer #1 · answered by Deb 4 · 1 0

Certainly since it's YOUR room you can likely decorate as you wish.

I can't sew, but my first thought was to stitch PIPING or they wazy kind of decorative trim to the pieces. It would add something while not being tacky.

I realize there are hundreds of things and ways you could do the curtains, but often we tire easily of Flash and Trendy.

I do have one other suggestion, and certainly at some point you could always change the curtains anyway.

When my daughter was a YOUNG teen, I decorated her OFF white room, with those glow in the dark kind of stars and chips. Her ceiling was loaded with them and they extended down the walls in random waves. Then her Dark Blue Drapes were also decorated with them to math the wall random patterns. The chips weren't so noticable during daylight, and were easy to remove at some point when she matured.

She liked it at least, and admittedly it grew on me after the fact, like sleeping under the stars.

Just my two cents.

Steven Wolf

2007-12-23 00:49:24 · answer #2 · answered by DIY Doc 7 · 2 0

a neat cheap trick would be to get a sheet of any color fabric from any thrift store "your choice" any fabric you want put a seem at the tom and bottom and presto curtains and you have a million and one options on the pattern!

2007-12-22 18:11:30 · answer #3 · answered by joshhoustonis 2 · 2 0

If your girly then add rhinestones or something sparkly, not GLITTER though! Stay away from glitter =]

or put these in front of your actual curtain.


2007-12-22 18:11:26 · answer #4 · answered by EniTsiRhc 2 · 2 0


2007-12-22 18:10:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3