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ok 2day i whent to malibui and i found a few hermit crabs. i took them hime with me and i have no clue what to feed them or how to take care of them!
please don't tell me i have to buy them a hole bunch of stuff! :-)

2007-12-22 17:26:47 · 8 answers · asked by lelounge 1 in Pets Fish

i am doing a science experament (for my science fair) and i need to do research on hermit crabs. i will take it back to the beach in two weeks. none the less i need to know how to take care of it!

2007-12-22 17:35:19 · update #1

oh i guess i will have to take it back 2morrow sry thank you guys!

2007-12-22 17:36:39 · update #2

OKOK i'm going to the beach 2morrow i will put it back sry i didn't know.
i didn't mean to harm the creature i luv pets and i luv nature i swear i will put it back in the ocean.
sry guys my falt :-(

2007-12-22 17:42:36 · update #3

8 answers

Considering that Malibu Beach is a California State Park, the best way to take care of your illegally captured hermit crabs would be to take them back to the beach. They will be much more sensitive than store-bought crabs, and I have a sneaking suspicion you don't have the proper setup to care for hermit crabs, even if they were obtained legally. Unless you can provide for your new, illegal pet with VERY stable saltwater and the proper tank and filter, you NEED to take it back (really, you need to take it back whether or not you can provide for it).

Soop Nazi

EDIT: If you want something interesting (and aquatic) to do your project on, consider using a 10 gallon tank kit (which Petco is currently selling for $45 and Walmart has even cheaper) and experiment with breeding Guppies. They are livebearers, and would make a fascinating report.

EDIT 2: Malibu Beach is in California (America), so you would be fined in US dollars, not pounds. Second, the fine is only a couple hundred dollars. Regardless, the crabs need to go back.

2007-12-22 17:35:08 · answer #1 · answered by nosoop4u246 7 · 6 0

Why did you take the hermit crabs if you don't even know how to properly care for them?
You need an aquarium with sand. They need a water dish in there and food.

It's not very nice to take animals out of their natural habitats and make them live in a small cage- they would be much happier back at Malibu beach.

Not to mention what you did is considered illegal. Next time you do a science project, try and not break the law or harm innocent animals in the process. Those crabs were used to being in the wild so you wouldn't be able to properly care for them and they would have most likely died pretty quickly.

2007-12-23 01:31:10 · answer #2 · answered by Madison 6 · 2 1

Take it back and let nature and the crab take care of itself
First off you to find out how to take of anything before obtaining said item. Whether it be animal, mineral or vegetable. If you have no clue as to take care of this thing you should put it back where you found it. It's chances of survival are much better on the beach than with someone with no idea of how to care for it. Marine life can be very hard to maintain, unlike having a dog or cat.
If you are determined to keep this crab you need to talk with a veterinary clinic or business that deals in exotics and find some books on the subject. Do so immediately or else this thing is going to starve for lack of nutrients and proper housing.
Good Luck

Vet. Tech

2007-12-23 01:38:21 · answer #3 · answered by Delilah 4 · 2 1

Without sounding mean, you are selfish and cruel to do what you have just done. How would you like it if you were taken from your home put in a cage smaller than your bedroom, where you have to poo, eat, and share with others. They wont even recieve the right diet. It is illegal and if someone reported you are the police or someone like that found out that you STOLE these wonderful hermit crabs from the beach, you would probably be fined hundreds-thousands of pounds, Take everyone else's advice, and release them back in the wild. The poor things. Who agrees with me?

2007-12-23 10:36:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Wildlife needs to be wild.
They don't do well as pets. They go into shock and can die.

Taking animals from the wild can also be illegal.

And the whole "don't tell me I have to buy a bunch of stuff" comment just makes me sick.

HOW DARE YOU take responsibility for an animal then not provide for it's every need?

Put it back where you found it immediately.


You need to do research and find some captive bred, PETS.

2007-12-23 01:39:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Clean out the tank once a month and go to a local pet store to find what food is most suitable for it and moving water to
simulate the ocean.

2007-12-23 02:40:45 · answer #6 · answered by Will 2 · 1 4

First, take them back. Second, are you sick!!! You took pets ilegally. Third, why did you get crabs if you don't personally know how to pet them.


2007-12-23 01:58:19 · answer #7 · answered by Chad, M.D. 4 · 2 3

They're aquatic i assume?
Well, you need to set up a complete saltwater tank then.

2007-12-23 01:34:38 · answer #8 · answered by Jeox (KK) 4 · 0 5