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If any one religion is the truth, this must mean that every single other of the world's religions are a sham. So why should I believe in any particular religion? I'm not trying to incite anything, I feel it's a reasonable question.

2007-12-22 15:52:46 · 9 answers · asked by snapple232 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

To the first reply, that analogy assumes that all religions are alternate paths to God. But every major religion proclaims that it alone is the truth.

2007-12-22 15:59:54 · update #1

9 answers

If you asked 10 different people for directions to Los Angeles, and got 10 different answers, would you quit believing in Los Angeles?

2007-12-22 15:58:25 · answer #1 · answered by Jeff A 5 · 2 1

Many people say that in all religions there is the similarity of divine power........it just depends on how people choose to acknowledge it. Some people have multiple gods or worship nature. The idea is that they are worshipping a great provider or creator.

So, it doesn't seem to matter which religion you choose. As a common theme in religions, it just seems to matter how strong your faith is.

Ultimately, one religion isn't necessarily the truth over others.........it is just a person's preference for worshipping the same thing.

2007-12-22 16:03:18 · answer #2 · answered by Love and Happiness 2 · 0 0

there is 1 thing called god and he has spoken with us humans at different times since the first 1 of us was brought 2 earth.im not talking about the religions that r man made but the holy ones like islam,christianity and Judaism r all the different versions of the same thing brought 2 the people of the earth at different times.islam is the latest edition in the series of the god sent religions.its just a matter of time.they all worship the same god,whatever they call him

2007-12-22 19:26:54 · answer #3 · answered by A1 3 · 0 0

"Religion" is man-made. God is not. It isn't necessary to believe in any one religion as long as you believe in God as the Omnipotent Being. There is only one God. I have attended services of many different denominations. I don't believe in all the precepts of any one religion, but many religions do have the most basic belief in God at their core. You don't need to belong to an established religion to worship God. Just know that He is.

2007-12-22 16:07:55 · answer #4 · answered by wandangel 1 · 0 1

dear, it is not necessary to believe in so called the religions,to achieve your goal or destination of life.in my personal idea believing in GOD also not necessary ,to achieve any thing that is already exist .BUT human being has to believe in something to achieve something. that must be you and only yourself.be living in you is =believing in GOD.because whatever you do that supreme is involved with you,without him your existence is impossible.so where stand religions?thanks.

2007-12-23 07:20:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is, and it is also why Pascal's wager doesn't work. People tend to forget that there are or have been 100's to 1000's of different gods and goddesses and many of them predate the ones we currently accept.

2007-12-22 15:59:31 · answer #6 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 1 1

am most people believe in their religion cuz their parents taught them to believe in it and ignore other religions and clear mind

2007-12-22 16:04:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

read the poem Desiderata online and decide

2007-12-22 15:58:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

all religions are correct.

2007-12-22 17:59:04 · answer #9 · answered by ♥NíKKí ♥ ♥GíRL♥ ™ 5 · 0 2