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I'm trying to do atleast one type of split before my birthday. It's a short way aways but I say that to make me motavated. My middle splits are 1foot and one half off the ground but my left and right slits are 3-4 inches off the ground. I'm streching but I can't get the right or left any closer to the floor. Any tips of guidance?

2007-12-22 13:25:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Dancing

6 answers

I'm the same way. I have a new dance teacher this year who has us doing this kind of stretch http://www.ladywellgym.com/images/FLOOR%20COURTNEY%20Y%20SCALE%203.png
It's really helping me with my splits, I'm not sure why. Hope this helps.

2007-12-22 14:23:21 · answer #1 · answered by *-Ellie-* 2 · 0 0

This meathod of stretching can be very painful, but very affective. Take two chairs and put one foot on each. Have a friend pull the two chairs apart slowly. This will leave your pelvis suspended in the air. Gravity will work with you.

Stretching can be very affective, enjoyable, and healthy. However, when stretching you shoudl always use caution. You should never be in an unbarable amount of pain. Also, don't stretch beyond your capability. Relieze, that the ligaments are only so long. Be safe.

Good luck!

2007-12-24 03:10:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please warm up for at least 15 minutes before trying to do any type of split. Then afterwards do at least 15 minutes of cool down. This lets your muscles retain the memory of where they are in the split. If you pull a groin muscle it is very slow to heal and onced pulled will always be tender. Make sure when you trying a split,not to roll your knees in, keep your hips square and facing forward. To not force yourself at any time. Also do not bounce to stretch. You can tear a muscle very easy that way.

2007-12-22 14:45:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try some yoga.

Probably try some Tantric yoga. Some of the Tantric yoga stretches will allow you to do the split streches better. But it will take time.

Or, take a martial arts class. Martial arts class, especially involving sparring like karate and taekwondo, have warmup exercises at every class, that focuses on the stretching of the legs to create those spectacular kicks. In taekwondo, for instance, you may have seen the "split kick" in the air.

If you take those classes, try to take them for 12 weeks....because 1 week cannot cut it in terms of trying to make the splits better. Like the former mentioned, it takes time.

Good luck, young lady......

2007-12-22 14:09:37 · answer #4 · answered by charlessmith702210@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

You are basically trying to stretch the groin muscles and ligaments. A sports physiotherapist once showed me how to stretch hamstrings, and the same method should work for any other muscles. You will need two helpers. Lie on the floor, one knee bent, the other straight and out to the side as far as it will go without any pain. One helper will hold your bent leg in position. The other person will kneel on the inside of the straight leg, near the ankle, and hold it still.

You try to pull your straight leg toward the middle (on the floor) against the helper's hold, for a slow count of ten. At ten, completely relax that leg, and the helper slowly pushes it outward until you feel pain. Back off just a bit, and hold for a count of ten.

Now repeat, trying to pull your leg in for another slow ten-count. Relax, and the helper pushes it out for a ten-count. Repeat one more time. You should find that your leg can go farther out than when you started the exercise.

Switch legs, and repeat the whole procedure with the other leg. You can also repeat the whole exercise with your straight leg pointing up in the air, out to the side as far as it will go. This will stretch a different group of muscles & ligaments. If you do this twice a day, you should see improvement in a fairly short time.

For hamstrings (the ones in back of your knees), you start with one leg bent, raise the other, straight leg up as though you are doing a Rockettes kick, and your helper will support it on his/her shoulder while you press down for the first ten-count. When you relax, the helper will lift your leg higher for the second ten-count.

2007-12-22 13:50:51 · answer #5 · answered by TitoBob 7 · 0 0

You have to stretch every single day for at least an hour. Its no kidd cuz it takes a lot to do the splits depending on ur type of body. LIke what genes you inherited from ur parents. Like if ur parents are naturally flexible people then u'll probably have an easier time doing it and will probably only have to stretch for like half an hour a day.
~Good Luck to you:)

2007-12-22 14:39:59 · answer #6 · answered by DaisyDoll 3 · 0 0