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Has to deliver & has to be awesome !

2007-12-22 09:08:23 · 1 answers · asked by george g 5 in Dining Out United States Boston

1 answers

Boston, vegan, home delivery and best? I'm hard put to give you an answer to your specific question, but here's a list of Boston's vegan, vegan-friendly and vegetarian restaurants published by the Boston Vegan Association:

In the meantime, here's one restaurant not on the list, with two locations, that delivers.

Brown Sugar Cafe
1033 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MA 02215-1001
Phone: (617) 787-4242

129 Jersey St
Boston, MA 02215-5116
Phone: (617) 266-2928

2007-12-25 11:21:20 · answer #1 · answered by Beach Saint 7 · 0 0