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I used to always go to: zootradio.com and be able to download old-time radio programs for free...legally too!

Anyways, the site has been shutdown and the excuse is it's been too much work for the webmaster to continue.

My question is, does anyone know what other site I can go to to download for free...old time radio programs?

Thanks in advance!

2007-12-20 17:07:10 · 3 answers · asked by an_american_trilogy2003 1 in Entertainment & Music Radio

3 answers

Just went by zootradio.com...it's back online (the owner reconsidered and put it back up a few weeks ago).

2007-12-22 08:11:17 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

straight forward answer is not any. i will clarify, The OS has 34 approaches working now, many times, so including yet another might or might desire to no longer make the CPU or RAM respond quicker, easily, it would have the choice result. Now the nitty gritty, those approaches that are working are many times what degrade overall performance, nicely that and fragmented drives, malware, viruses, or in basic terms too many start up classes. Rule of computing is have ONE AV application, save the laptop and all the classes as much as date and constantly make a backup, on a daily basis is the perfect. Now for the exchange answer, definite, Microsoft actully has some Tweaks and AV/Malware removing utilities that are unfastened. They paintings and that they paintings nicely. certainly one of them is named Microsoft safety necessities, it fairly is Malware/AV/Firewall and motor vehicle Updates all wrapped up in a single neat application. I even have examined it, used it and seen it working for many many months on others desktops or Laptops that I or they put in it to. Now look at MGDx/Axcels website for tweaks and stuff, and please word that that website says constantly Backup in the previous making any variations. (era) chuffed Daze

2016-12-18 06:09:19 · answer #2 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

if you find the answer to this will you share it please?

2007-12-20 17:10:50 · answer #3 · answered by John M 6 · 0 0