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I have recently bought a 1gb sandisk micro sd card with sd adaptor for my LG TU500 phone. However, whenever I try to put the card into my computer (windows 98SE) the whole computer freezes and only unfreezes when I take the card out. I have tried other SD cards in my card reader and they work fine. Can you please help me to figure out whats going on?

2007-12-20 14:52:13 · 4 answers · asked by green_day_luva91 2 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

4 answers

If you have any way to format that card, try doing that.

2007-12-20 15:03:45 · answer #1 · answered by Tim C 7 · 0 0

I am assuming you are using a USB card reader, or a reader that plugs into a USB header on the motherboard. Windows 98SE doesn't play well with USB, at least as well as Windows XP does. There's not much that can be done about it, unless there are specific drivers that can be installed from the Sandisk website that cover the problem in 98SE(highly unlikely). However, I too have USB problems even with XP. If you have more than one USB device, try unplugging it before using the card reader.

2007-12-20 14:58:59 · answer #2 · answered by Tim L 1 · 1 0

Best place to look for memory cards, card readers, batteries and battery chargers is ebay. There are lots of internet vendors who ship directly from Hong Kong or Taiwan, or even somewhere local, but the cost is only a fraction of what you'd pay in a store. So check out ebay. As for whether it is the right thing for you or not, you can always email the seller and ask. There's an option called "ask the seller" in ebay.

2016-04-10 10:39:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well the main problem is: Windows98 has been obsolete for the past 15 years when WindowsME came out microsoft stopped supporting WIndows98, so I would recommend upgrading to WIndows XP Professional and see if the problem dimishes. Also, be sure the card is compatible with your phone.

2007-12-20 14:56:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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