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I have been reading some of the answers to a question about what job can I get in Japan even though I don't speak the lingo.
Bit part English voice over actor for PC games was one of them.
Please, I can't wait for someone to tell me how I can become PM without any knowledge of politics.
Yours expectantly,

Boris Johnson.

2007-12-20 13:35:44 · 8 answers · asked by Par4 2 in Politics & Government Government

8 answers

A knowledge of politics is acquired through any rubbish office job. Serial shagging helps you understand both genders of voters. You are clearly an intelligent cynic, so you have a good chance of succeeding as a prime minister.
The office of Mayor of London has become a joke, thanks to its bigotted current holder insulting most of London's workers and wasting half of a vastly higher budget. So, let's be logical, and elect a real clown to this pantomime of a political office! Good luck, Boris!

2007-12-20 13:47:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

P.M. eh, why not, go for it, it seems these days anyone can have that job, the qualifications aren't.....honesty (re missing pension fund money), knowing how to run the country (getting all the maths wrong as chancellor), you don't have to be British, you can lie through you're teeth (as in promising a referendum before we join the E.U.) and hey here's the best bit....because you don't even have to be British, I imagine anyone in the E.U. can end up as our Prime minister and probably will.
Ray.West York's. U.K.

2007-12-20 22:12:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

As you are an ambitious chap, I suggest that you join the Conservative party, as they have a good chance of winning the next election in the UK. oh, I am sorry , I forgot, they have already got someone for the Job!

2007-12-21 02:39:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hehe.. if he becomes a PM .. I leave the country

you do know he wasn't even born in England?

he lied about having an affair previously .. so I trust him about as far as I can throw him..

he shouldn't even be going for the Mayor job.. another toff getting a cushy job ... they should push off and live in the real world.

2007-12-20 21:40:45 · answer #4 · answered by junglejungle 7 · 2 1

haha maybe if you are lucky you can be some sort of political leader in Japan, together you and whoever asked the question you are referring to can rule Japan! ;-P

2007-12-20 21:40:49 · answer #5 · answered by scouse princess 4 · 0 0

Well, could be worse. Could be old iron knickers herself, Margaret Thatcher.

2007-12-20 21:45:53 · answer #6 · answered by gortamor 4 · 2 0

Are you a lying two-faced back stabbing moron? If so, you qualify.

2007-12-24 09:30:16 · answer #7 · answered by LEONARD W 4 · 0 0

are you an idiot

2007-12-20 21:39:16 · answer #8 · answered by finger lickin` good 6 · 1 0