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I saw a hearing a few months ago President Bush was not in the hot seat several young flunkies. The hearing was suppose to account to the American tax payer what the 160 billion given to Iraq was used for. It was revealed large sums of money are being investigated as missing. 8

The following representatives gave another blank check.

On Wednesday, the House voted 272-142 to give Bush another $70 billion blank check for Iraq. Our soldiers were betrayed by every House Republican except John Duncan (TN-02) and 78 Democrats: Altmire (PA-04), Baird (WA-03), Barrow (GA-12), Bean (IL-08), Berkley (NV-01), Berman (CA-28), Berry (AR-01), Bishop (GA-02), Boren (OK-02), Boucher (VA-09), Boyd (FL-02), Boyda (KS-02), Brown (FL-03), Carney (PA-10), Chandler (KY-06), Clyburn (SC-06), Cooper (TN-05), Costa (CA-20), Cramer (AL-05), Cuellar (TX-28), Davis (TN-04), Davis (AL-07), Davis (CA-53), ***** (WA-06), Dingell (MI-15), Donnelly (IN-02), Edwards (TX-17), Ellsworth (IN-08), Emanuel (IL-05), Ethee

2007-12-20 08:50:16 · 6 answers · asked by granny_sp 4 in Politics & Government Government

FACT: President George W. Bush threatened our troops by threatening a veto of complete defense funding if the democrates required anything of the purpose and use of these billions.

FACTS are not Bush Bashing

2007-12-20 11:05:29 · update #1

FACT: Bush and Bush alone is doing the veto.
Bush and Bush alone goes on National television threatening harm to our soldiers if the democrats have the nerve to request and accounting of funds.

2007-12-22 11:04:21 · update #2

6 answers

That's what happens when the president is a criminal, and the congress is full of people with no spines

2007-12-20 08:53:55 · answer #1 · answered by ichiiwawa 3 · 2 0

I am not going to apologize for Democrats caving to Bush's wishes. But I am beginning to accept that the politicians, no matter how courageous has no other choice. Bush has pretty much put the Congress in a position where if they deny the money, the soldiers will suffer (though the extent of the suffering was exaggerated). This cannot be resolved until Bush is out of power and his Republican coat hanger-ons are voted out by the people.

2007-12-20 16:57:26 · answer #2 · answered by Michael K 3 · 1 0

Michael K is right. The issue is too convoluted now. It is impossible to separate troop funding and war funding. The dems have to find another way to end it. But I don't think it can be done as long as Bozo the clown is in office. President Obama will work with the generals, the Congress, the UN, and Iraqi government to responsibly end the war and pullout in a way that doesn't leave a power vacuum in the midst.

2007-12-20 17:03:01 · answer #3 · answered by David M 6 · 0 1

How can it be $70 billion and blank at the same time?

I've been waiting almost a year for the congressional democrats to fulfill their campaign promise and not fund military operations in Iraq, which they have the majority to do now.

2007-12-20 16:56:46 · answer #4 · answered by DOOM 7 · 1 0

The real crime is the millions of dollars of pork that is tacked onto bills by the Congress. So a war spending bill includes each reps little pet projects to buy them votes back home.

Study the bills! And learn the nuances of how the government work. It will help you sound much more intelligent than blaming everything on Bush (the lazy person's whipping boy).

2007-12-20 17:01:32 · answer #5 · answered by mom 3 · 0 2

If the money is for the military, then we need to loan the money to keep the military strong, and keep close ly tabs on how the money is being spent

2007-12-20 16:56:29 · answer #6 · answered by Terry1955 2 · 1 1