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when the year turns over will you have problems remembering not to write 2007 anymore?

2007-12-20 07:56:29 · 3 answers · asked by neonatheart 4 in Education & Reference Standards & Testing

3 answers

I'm usually Ok until we get to February. There's something about the second month that makes me forget the year, and even which planet I'm on. Call it the winter blues.

2007-12-20 08:01:50 · answer #1 · answered by Michael B 6 · 1 0

Your first problem, is you haven't any longer examine and studied your Bible!! "Renew your ideas daily". 2d subject, considering which you haven't any longer examine, is you haven't any longer found out that this lifestyles isn't approximately YOU! we are right here for Gods excitement. this is all approximately Jesus. we've a "human proprietors manuel", which maximum do no longer decide to ascertain, or keep on with.i'm guessing which you do no longer be attentive to that the god of this international is devil. The interest he has to do, is purely "thieve, kill, and injury". The "enormous" boys that administration and screw all human beings over bow to him, the reason human beings have fairly some themes and issues is they sin, which the wages of sin are dying. That , left unchecked supplies the devil "criminal" top to debris alongside with your lifestyles. hi!! what share "Christians are actually "tolerent" to the procedures of the international? Abortion, gay rights, immoral interest, and intercourse??Hmmm!!! God holds His word above His call! examine the e book, be attentive to what the "policies" are, then you definately will comprehend what and why we are the place we are at!! we've not a clue the intensity of The Fathers love. examine Jeremiah 11:a million-11; and notice what God will do to get decrease back what He loves. We, as a united states of america have broken covenant with God, whilst Israel did that, he scattered them to the winds.we are by potential of no potential bewtter thaan they have been. awaken!!

2016-11-04 03:49:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yeah, I think l will.

2007-12-20 08:09:20 · answer #3 · answered by The Chosen One 5 · 0 0