In a normal setting, one is assigned to a Primary Care Physician(PCP) . Then your doctor can refer you to a specialist if needed. However, you do have the inate right to exercise your own judgment to choose any doctor for the pertinent health problem at hand. For most physical exams, any internist or GP can perform this procedure. .Of course for pertinent women problems; a gynecologist is prefered. For mental health, a psychiatrist or psychologist is available.
For a speedy access within the health care system, you should try to make an appt with your PCP.This helps establish your medical history and baseline health vital statistics. This way, that doctor can address all of your problems and concerns and treat you as a whole individual person not fragmented. However, for acute immediate care such as let's say a severe asthmatic attack, chest pains, or shortness of breath, bleeding, injury; trauma, etc; you should definitely go to an ER. .
2007-12-19 21:37:46
answer #1
answered by rosieC 7
Different practices have different procedures for this. But of course if you dont want to see a particular doctor that is your right. Its your health and your body.
Sometimes you may have to pay more to see the doctor of your choice. It just depends on the practice you go to. Speak to the receptionist there about how it works.
But as a general rule - remember its your choice. Dont do something your not comfortable with
2007-12-20 05:04:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
From my experiance you can normally see who you like, even if its not your particular doctor that you are registered to. You may have to book an appointment, but it'll be worth it if you get to see who you like in the long run.
2007-12-20 05:03:51
answer #3
answered by The sex Dr 4
Yes of course but in emergency I don't think you would care who you see.
2007-12-20 05:07:01
answer #4
answered by comelucky96 3
well yeah. it depends on what is your purpose. you cant see the opthalmologist if your concerns are your heart.
2007-12-20 05:02:52
answer #5
answered by limpnoodle 2