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This goes to all the usuals Dilla, Evil, Yay, HNIC, NsAyN3, Biscuts and any of the heads that've answered my questions, all of you guys that are minorities. We’ve had some pretty good discussions about hip-hop, but this question is kind of different. What's the most racist thing to happen to you, or you saw happen to someone else? Something that really sticks out in your mind, and what’d you do, how’d you handle it, tell the story?

2007-12-19 18:20:48 · 19 answers · asked by Diggin' In The Crates 6 in Entertainment & Music Music Rap and Hip-Hop

19 answers

Well my issue goes a little deeper than most. My mother is black, and my father is white. I have been my fathers little hidden secret for the last 27 years. I don't know any of my white family because of racial barriers. You see they don't even know about me, because my father was too chicken to bring me home to his family, he just never got around to it. God forbid my father bring home a little ***** child, I suppose they wouldn't be cool with that. I didn't even get to meet his mom or dad. I stopped all communication with him about 4 years ago because I became tired of the BS. He will never meet my son, I feel why should he get that privilege when I've been played all these years. I think it has made me a stronger person, and also makes me really appreciate the family that I do have.

2007-12-20 02:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by Bee Biscuits 6 · 7 0

This happened in the early 90's late 80's. I lived in a section of Brooklyn that was predominately white in some parts of it. One week in the local paper it reported that black family's house was firebombed because they moved on an all white block. They constantly messed with them to make them move away but they didnt so they fire bombed them.

Then one night a few of my class mates were walking from the area where my JHS was at which again WAS mostly white. They gotta chased by five high school white kids with hockey sticks...One got beat till his head busted and had get stitches. Smh they werent doing nothing but walking home.

These are things that may have happened to other ppl...But it sad that it had to be. It made me realize that things are really just coming to a change for minorities. These events happened for real not that long ago. I have realize that us as a ppl have come a long way. Now my old neighborhood is predominately black and hispanic...I guess the local paper was right when they talked about "white flight". Where are they gonna run to. smh We are every where.

The difference now is that the "RACIST" ppl hide it...U think these ppl are just all gone. Some ppl dont want to recognize that it still does exist. They dont want to remember the defining moments that happened to our families back in the days. Then they wonder why we angry and that we should just forget about the **** becuz look at what yall can do now. Do we forget the holocaust? NO Didnt yall pay the asians after yall wrongfully put them in concentration camps back during WW2. Yep...But "THEY" dont want to recognize our struggle, they want us to forget. But as long as the Jena 6 type **** exist and young white folk can hang nooses, I cant do that..

2007-12-19 19:17:40 · answer #2 · answered by Ns@YnE 6 · 4 0

I'm 33 and live in Chicago.

I used to be involved in some nonsense as a kid. Got into sports. Went to college and grad school. Now I'm a physician.

Back in the day, the CPD would pull me over and search my car at least twice a year (before I knew about warrants and all that). I then refused the search, but still got pulled over.

Now I'm a professional living in the south loop. I updraded the type of car I drive and, surprise! I get pulled over more now than I ever did before.

The point is... no matter the fact that some people to good things with their lives, the perception and sterotypes rule the day.

Shout out to BDI... I've had white friends tell me this happens.
It takes balls to stand up against that type of talk.

2007-12-20 04:10:46 · answer #3 · answered by AgentZero 4 · 2 0

I'm in Bk-Ny and I seen and heard it all--I have hundreds of things I've seen but this was the worst---

I was with some friends sitting on the bench in the summer just chillin'.There was approx 9-10 of us occupying 2 benches. You know when there is no room left on the bench , somebody sits on the top part? Well this dude was at the top and his girl was sitting between his legs.She was sitting on the edge and her body(back) wasn't pressed against him.2 housing NYPD (white)officers who patrol the PJ's were standing ifo the bldg. Now we were there for about an hour and these 2 officers decide to walk over to us. One cop starts screaming and tell dude" Get the F off the bench". He's saying what did I do? You been right here- I haven't been anywhere what did i do? Now both cops are screaming at him and telling all of us to get up.They snatched him off the bench and threw him on the gate. They start searching him and ask's--give me your "WELFARE ID CARD" we need to see that ID. Now all of us who heard this flipped out.We're screaming-He didn't do anything #1- What makes you assume this Black Man is on Welfare #2 and #3 why you didn't ask him for just a piece of ID? In the midst of all that they called a 10-13 and now the PJ's are running over with police. Every last 1 of us that was on that bench was taken to the precint. We were all given DAT's for disorderly conduct. We all fought those summons and it was throwed out. We all called the CCRB on the 2 officers. CCRB found in our favor and stated that was a racist statement asking for welfare ID.

If we as a people don't stand for something we'll fall for anything.

2007-12-21 00:47:35 · answer #4 · answered by BK1 5 · 0 0

I've came across some evil people in my life...there are a few times that I can remember but I will only tell one.

My mother and I back in 1996 had moved to a town called Rosemont out here in IL (its near Chicago). So the town is mostly Italians and such (I am Puerto Rican), so we where the only Hispanic in the building. Our landlady lived upstairs from us. Now the only reason we got the place is because my mother's good friend knows the lady who put the place up for rent...

Needless to say stuff started happening real quick, she would blast her radio day and night. Walk all hard and back on the floor for no reason! She had an evil *** dog also.

One day my mom had enough and went upstairs and told the lady to stop the banging and you know this lady open the dang door and let her dog attack my mom. The dog bite my ma's arm and my mom called the police and you know they didn't do anything! I wasn't home at the time but my mom called me and told me. So the next day I am be on mad and walk upstairs and told the ***** threw her door to come on out Imma F*ck you and your dog up ( I had a knife w/me just in case the dog came at me) You know she wouldn't open the door for nothing.

The next day I come home from work and there is a little doll (brown skin) hanging from a noose under our mailbox! I waited and waited for the lady to come home...and when she did and walked (or should I say try to run) pass my door to get upstairs I grab her by her neck and proceed to choke the life out of her, lucky for her my mom came and pulled me off of her.

We of course broke the lease and left...but I will never forget her face or what happen.....the utter less feeling in my gut won't let me. Something I don't wish a pond anyone.

2007-12-20 02:18:53 · answer #5 · answered by Rican Princess 5 · 3 0

I was in bakersville Ca about 7yrs ago, I was a young Army Ranger in Uniform taking vehicle to be put in the train to go back to Ga, we stopped the Mickey D's train station to get lunch. My 6 white brothers ordered their food , but I when I got to the counter to order the white girl said that she was going to serve me, when asked why, she say to my face that she does not serve any N word period, the funny thing was, the white lady behind me blew up on her, as well as all the other white people in the md's and her boss fired her immediately after hearing what had been said. this still blew my mind because I am from the south born and raised, so I excepted more intel from the west coast, but now I know better.

2007-12-20 06:09:28 · answer #6 · answered by GatorBowler 3 · 0 0

This guy at work was going off about this black guy and how he is cocky and big headed, then he looks at people at the table and says well thats how all of them are, and then tries to get everybody to agree with him. I still cant believe he would try to force other people to be racist... the thing that really bugged me is that he is a Christian and talks about church quite often. Puts a bad name on Christians too.

Im white by the way, and u would be suprised how many racists people there really are, get a group of white people together, there is gonna be at least one really racists person, and several that use the N word freely. No black person on earth says the N word as much as a lot of white people, its pretty bad, and it sucks that people feel comfortable saying that around me just cause Im white.

I just took a stand and made him look stupid in front of everybody at the table... i cant remember exactly what I said, but he wasnt talking afterwards.

2007-12-19 19:44:23 · answer #7 · answered by BDI Thug 4 · 4 1

Some "genius" from our school thought it would be funny to make a repeat of the Jena 6 situation on two black owned businesses in our town. He hung some nooses from nearby trees and spray-painted "Die Ni**ers" on the buildings.
Other than that people around here are quiet about their racism. And its mostly older people who are racists. Not many kids.

2007-12-20 05:57:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I did Construction work in mid-town Manhatttan years ago. A job opening arose where instead of doing heavy manual labor.....the Union required one person to work at the " cushy " job of sitting in a chair all day and turning a wrench on a sandblast pot every 3 hours to turn it on & off.---Although I had a lot more seniority & was a lot more experienced-------a black guy & myself were both being considered for the job.---- After Harlem CORE picketed the jobsite with signs demanding that the job be given to the black guy----I never stood a chance as a victum of racism & the job was automatically given to the black guy.-------------------------------------------Also ; Another time @ a Brooklyn Jobsite at the old L.I. University Building-----a Black Power group of approximately 100 guys had taken over the jobsite. All of the Contruction Workers had abandoned the jobsite because the Black Power guys were armed with axes, bats, etc. ...My Boss had me drive a truck down to the jobsite to pick up our scaffolding without telling me abut the Black Power group. --When I got to the jobsite, the whole Black Power group wanted to do a number on me; but....the Black Power leader saw that I was just one 19 year old guy who wanted to remove equiment & allowed me to load my truck quickly & go.

2007-12-20 02:13:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Man... this is a deep a ss question. I started thinking about something that has affected me...that is racist...and I dont really have one stand out incident in my life...Maybe I am one of the few lucky ones...Or maybe I have been just totally blind to ish that was racists as hell...

I dont you know if you are familiar with Chicago...But it is one of the most segregated cities in America...People basically live in neighborhoods which there nationality is prominent...Im Puerto Rican...and grew up in a Puerto Rican/Mexican neighborhood...Now us Puerto Ricans and Mexicans always had jokes about each other...but for me it was all in fun...nothing personal...some of my best friends are Mexican, and we had mad jokes for each other...

As far as something like cops f-ing with us...that happened all the time...them biches had us out in the cold...no shoes...no jackets...They always assume somebody is slanging rocks....Ladies till this day hold their purses a little closer to their bodies...Like I wanna jackem or something...

In high school...sometimes the blacks and hispanics gang bangers would go at it and rumble...but I was a "jock" on the football team... We were like our own gang...nobody really wanted it with us...

I guess in college is where I experienced some racist ish... but a lot of it seemed more ignorant then racist...

2007-12-19 23:05:23 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Woodcock Dilla 7 · 4 1

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