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It doesn't have to be cheap but if it is then great and give me the website. Also I would like for you to tell me cool places all over Morocco and hotels in fez if you want.

2007-12-19 14:44:35 · 5 answers · asked by الإيمان 2 in Travel Africa & Middle East Morocco

5 answers

I have to go with the other two answers and say you may have to arrive Casa or Marrakech.
Iberia is a good one too...good prices. My parents got tickets through Iberia for under $700 for a month long stay (FL to Marrakech).

2007-12-20 10:04:49 · answer #1 · answered by ~~∞§arah T∞©~~ 6 · 1 1

I use Royal Air Maroc, it's good and not expensive.
Here's the royal air maroc website:
Some cool places to go that I went to are:
Sidi Harazem is Fes, there is also a Sidi Harazem Hotel. I do not recommend the Sidi Harazem hotel though. It hasn't been renovated or fixed in a looong time and its dirty..
You should definitely visit the beach there, its fabulous.
You should also visit this nice pool/resteraunt/concert place. You swim, then eat, then while eating they have singers do shows. People get up and dance too =] It was really fun. Try to get a date when they have a famous singer if you can =] It's called Ayn shkaf..you should visit :P
You should go to the Medina and Fez al kadeem. Its full of shops and its really beautiful and old fashioned!
Good luck!
Oh and I think royal air maroc takes from US to Casablanca, and casa to fez.

2007-12-20 11:05:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Try British Airways. I used them when I flew from Oklahoma to Casablanca earlier this year and they were the cheapest. Not sure if there is a flight into Fez though, you might have to go to Casa or Marrakesh and then take the train or bus to Fez. I would definitely recommend you visit Marrakesh, Essaouira and Agadir too. I'm sure there are other beautiful places to visit. I'll star this so some of my contacts who visit often or live there can give you better information.

2007-12-19 15:54:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are going to have to take connecting flights. You can try British, Air France, Lufthansa, and Royal Air Maroc...there are some others but those are usually the best ones to take from the US to Morocco and back from my experience and what I have seen and heard.

Also you probably want to get on a regional plane into Fes from Casablanca or even a European City. It might just be easier for you to take a train or something else like a taxi or bus...are you going to visit people you know or just traveling on your own?

2007-12-20 01:09:27 · answer #4 · answered by Sassafrass 6 · 1 0

Southwest has countless the main inexpensive fares--incredibly in case you e book in improve. yet save around. you will get some spectacular fares in case you're keen to fly out of Newark. i'm in contact with reference to the social gathering itself, in spite of the shown fact that, for 2 reasons. First, by the point you hit seventy 5, I doubt if something is a lot of a ask your self anymore. 2nd, in case you do have the potential to ask your self her, there is of project she might desire to keel over. have you ever some exciting in the solar besides.

2016-11-23 16:33:31 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0