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I've gotten 3 B's and 3 D's on my report card and i got an F on a Spanish test. I try to improve but the grades get worse. Help! (im in middle school)

2007-12-19 12:51:34 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Standards & Testing

36 answers

Congradulations!! I say that because your asking for help and you'll still get through middle school. for the moment my advice is to deal with the grades you got. Now you know you need to do all homework, study for tests and ask for help when you need it. You got lucky...Once you leave middle school everything grade you got and everything you did bad is forgotten. But remember...in highschool you need good grades to get into colleges and if you fail a class you have to retake over till you pass. So, basically take the grades and learn from them. Get better study habits and do all your homework. Btw---I'm in highschool and trust me...your gonna want good school work habits in high school.

2007-12-19 12:58:01 · answer #1 · answered by hannabanana 3 · 0 1

If you study regularly, your marks will improve. Trust me. I spent 7 years at University.

The trick with this is spending a little time each day on the work. Set aside some time (even half an hour) after dinner or before breakfast, or before your favourite television show is on) when you study. Make it a routine. Even doing this for a week will cause an improvement.

Another tip: If you have Spanish vocabulary that you need to learn, write it on a big piece of paper, and stick it to the back of the toilet door. I'm serious. This works. That's two or three minutes of your day that you would otherwise spend daydreaming.

Try composing some sentences in Spanish, and then ask someone on Yahoo Answers to check your work. This will help you get a grip on the grammar and structure. Unfortunately, Spanish isn't a language I know, so I can't help you there.

You can get anywhere you want to in life if you have a routine and you stick to it. I used to do 2-3 hours of homework a night, studying and writing assignments, when I was in years 11 and 12, and at Uni. If you are really busy, a routine will get you through, and free up other time for what you want to do.

Make a few sacrifices. Try doing 30-60 minutes of study a day for the next week, and if you haven't noticed an improvement, email me. I might be able to give you some tips.

Your time on Earth is limited. You might as well be organised so you can spend as much of it as you can doing things you like, and not stressing about homework.

You will also feel a lot more confident about the work you do when you are revisiting it regularly and reinforcing it.

Good luck, and happy studying.

2007-12-19 13:03:11 · answer #2 · answered by Goonhilda 6 · 0 0

I know what you are going through. I'm going through the same problem. My grades look like crap and I'm also in middle school. I'm in 8th grade.
The reason why I was getting bad grades was because I was getting a little destracted. So if that's your case try to focus a little more on your school work.
Right when you get home from school, do your homework. Try to study for a test or quiz. I never used to do that until I saw that I had a D in history. After I studied my butt off and had a goodnight sleep I aced the test. It easily raised my grade up to a C.
Maybe you need a little more focus. Whatever it is just remember to do your personal best. I know that might sound a little corney but it's the best advice I can give you. If you work and hard and keep trying you will achieve your goals. You just have to believe in yourself.

2007-12-19 13:00:06 · answer #3 · answered by Rose L 2 · 0 0

Awwww, don't get down on yourself here - it's gonna be ok!

First off - always remember that your grades don't determine your lot in life - what matters is that you are already learning to do your best at the assignments you are given.

As a adult, I can tell you that doing your best is what really counts. As you get older, you will discover the things that you are really good at - so don't panic.

For now - passing is what you need to focus on. Those 3 B's are fantastic!

As for the D's and the F.... do you have parents or an adult who could help you with your homework? Studying? It can really help to have someone working with you on the things that you are struggling through.

Also, a tutor would really help you. These are people who know how to teach you the things that you need to know in order to pass. Once they get to know you - they can figure out the best way to teach YOU in order to make the info stick.

If you can't afford a tutor, you can always have your parents check out the local colleges or universities for students who are training to become teachers. They often need to put in a certian number of hours teaching and tutoring before they graduate - often their services are offered for free.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, and don't be discouraged.... while studying the school stuff - try to keep up with your hobbies.

Success in life isn't about getting A's and B's; it's about trying your best, looking to others for help and keeping up the things that you enjoy.

Have a very Merry Christmas.

2007-12-19 13:08:49 · answer #4 · answered by Snow Flake 2 · 0 0

My suggestion is stay off the computer unless doing homework, and try a little harder with your school work. You can also try getting a tutor or have one of your friends be a study partner (Preferably one that has good grades, and won't side track you into doing other things besides the task at hand). Try these ideas and hopefully your B's will be A's and your D's will be B's.

2007-12-19 13:07:15 · answer #5 · answered by Kimberly 3 · 0 0

Ask for extra credit work. Become more organized. Find the cause of your horrible grades. Do something about it. Wait... You are doing something. Yaay! Study hardER. Get more sleep. Eat healthier "brain food". I'm a straight A student, and I did all of those things to get this high! I mean... ACCOMPLISHED. Slang... Simple words can mean so much more now-a-days.

♥ Bianca

P.S. Yes. I'm still in school. And make it fun by having study group type days with your friends. Do homework together, and get a cute tutor! But concentrate on work!!!

2007-12-19 12:58:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

**** i wish i got 3 bs
i havent ahd a b since grade 8
and im grade 10 now
you gotta plan everything ahead
and make sure you stay organized
study 1 or 2 hours a day on your work
not homework, do your homework and tehn spend at least an hour studying the notes that you got in class the past few days
pay attention in class
and dont listen to your ipod when your teacher is talking
make sure you know what your dong when you do your homework
get a good sleep everynight cuz yes it affects you alot
and eat breakfast, it gets you going, dont stress out over you work
relax and start over whatever you need

2007-12-19 12:58:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

okay, the only way to improve your grades is:
Do all of the classwork, all of the homework, study for the tests and quizzes, do everything! and if you don't score a "B" or an "A", then ask the teacher (within a day or two) what you can do to make up the grade) come on, it's a no-brainer. You get what you deserve, so kick some butt and get those As.

2007-12-19 12:56:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just make sure you turn in all your work, and on time! One zero can hurt grades badly! Also, make sure you study for tests! If you are having trouble comprehending the class material then talk to your teachers about that, they will be more than willing to help. Also many teacher will offer after school tutoring, which you might want to take!

Good luck!

2007-12-19 12:56:06 · answer #9 · answered by p_hp_fan 3 · 0 0

I know exactly how you feel. I'm in the 8th grade and I have a's and b's than i have a D in science. I was missing like 7 assignments and I turned in 6 assignments and my grades only improved like 3 percent. I don't understand. Just try to pay attention more in class.

2007-12-19 12:56:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0