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I'm considering getting one as a gift for someone. What are the pros and cons?

2007-12-19 03:38:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

5 answers

Yes go for the 16 GB version.

Right of course its not not but its just come out, and the price will still be high like any new product on the market.

Very Very reliable and great after sales support.
Safari (Macs Internet Explorer)
Scratch Proof Screen
Slim and Sexy
Fantastic screen
All functions touch sensitive
Customisable with themes, and loads of things
You can now run iphone apps on your ipod touch, so basically you can have all the things an iphone has apart from the phone and camera.
Battery life is incredible
Controls and sliding, zooming in with your fingers is incredible.
So easy to use.
UI is nice and quick.
Keyboard is easy to use works really well.
wide aspect ratio
beautifully designed GUI

Not many really
Price (but you will see this drop over the next few months)
Size of your HD but again its plenty more will come. (I have 4 GB of music and 8 1/2 hours of films and videos and still got loads more room for more photos and films).
No camera
no phone functions but its an ipod remember.

Check out my video on mine.

Any more questions feel free to email me.


2007-12-19 03:49:42 · answer #1 · answered by Arron B 4 · 0 1

yeah its kinda rediculous what their inquiring for, incredibly on account that they are basically providing sixteen gigs of memory for the intense end version. Apple was the only organisation with particularly sexy mp3 gamers, yet they have a lot of opposition and that they are dropping dependable apple followers particularly rapid....i basically dont think of they are understanding it yet. This value wont final long, seeing as its no longer even close to to value paying for. you will get a respectable computer at those costs....i mean comon!

2016-11-23 15:04:00 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You should go to fry's they sell for like 250 - 300 tops.

2007-12-19 03:41:28 · answer #3 · answered by guillermo t 2 · 0 0

yes it very much worth the price!!

2007-12-19 08:16:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

look on ebay always cheaper

and no matter what....the freakin' thing still plays music!

no matter what u do to an ipod....it still plays music!
when will people realize that???

2007-12-19 03:51:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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