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The back of my throat is really hurting me and im getting a headache and i feel terrible.
i really don't wanna go to school tomorrow , but my mom said ive missed way to much school already and im not missing more and plus we are getting of for christmas vacation on thursday . but i really think i need this day , you know what i mean? i don't feel good at all!

2007-12-17 13:21:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Alternative Medicine

10 answers

A sore throat is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. A sore throat often makes it painful to swallow.

Like colds, the vast majority of sore throats are caused by viral infections. This means most sore throats will NOT respond to antibiotics. Many people have a mild sore throat at the beginning of every cold. When the nose or sinuses become infected, drainage can run down the back of the throat and irritate it, especially at night. Or, the throat itself can be infected.

Strep throat is the most common bacterial cause of sore throat. Strep throat can occasionally lead to rheumatic fever. Strep throat often includes a fever (greater than 101°F), white draining patches on the throat, and swollen or tender lymph glands in the neck. Children may have a headache and stomach pain.

Homeopathic Medicine & Treatment for Sore Throat

#Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy corresponds to many sore throats and is very often prescribed. Its symptoms must be carefully followed to secure the best results. It is indicated by great dryness and brightness of the throat; it has a glazed appearance, the fauces are inflamed, the tonsils are swollen and enlarged, worse on the right side; constant desire to swallow. There is constricted sensation in the throat, worse from swallowing when liquids and even food are ejected through the nose. There is great soreness from the swelling and hyperaesthesia of the fauces. Sore throats of catarrhal origin, rapid in progress and having dryness as a prominent symptoms are promptly relieved by Belladonna. A great aversion to drink with the sore throat is characteristic. Cistus Canadensis has great dryness of the throat; so dry that there is a sensation of sand in the throat and the patient drinks often to moisten the parts. Wyethia has great dryness in the pharynx and posterior nares, an elongated uvula and burning of the epiglottis.

#Mercurius. [Merc]
The preparations of mercury are all great sore throat remedies. Mercurius has dryness and great soreness of the throat, the patient is obliged to swallow constantly and there is much soreness and swelling of the glands ;this is characteristic of the remedy. The throat is raw and burning and also red and swollen. It is useful in sub-acute or torpid anginas and in affections of the throat appearing on every change of the weather. An offensive breath is a guiding symptom. Mercurius corrosivus. Here the uvula is swollen and there is intense burning, worse from pressure; constriction of the throat, throat feels dry and stiff, swelling causes spasm. The external and glands are enormously swollen. Mercurius protoiodide. Great swelling of the glands and accumulation of thick, tenacious mucus in the throat mark this remedy. The tongue is coated yellow at the base, the tips and sides being red. It is more valuable in chronic troubles with less swelling than discharge. Diphtheritic deposits beginning on the right side. Mercurius biniodide. This remedy is similar to the protoiodide, except that is more acute and worse on left side; there is more glandular swelling and more fever than in the protoiodide, thus partaking more of the features of Iodine. It is especially useful in chronic follicular tonsillitis.

#Phytolacca. [Phyt]
In throats that are dark in color where the tonsils are dark red, the parts feel sore, and the pain on swallowing is at the root of the tongue, accompanied by a general aching in the back and limbs. It suits chronic follicular pharyngitis where there is present a constant desire to clear the throat of phlegm or a sensation of a hot ball in the throat worse from hot fluids. The right side is more frequently the seat of the trouble. Graphites. Chronic sore throat, with the sensation of a lump in the throat. Baptisia is useful in ulcerated sore throat, with excessively offensive odor from the parts. Excessive putridity marks the remedy. Natrum arsenicosum. Dissecting room sore throat.

#Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
One of our best remedies for follicular pharyngitis where there is a gray or white exudation, the tonsils are swollen and inflamed, and there is grayish spots or ulcers on them. It is almost specific for the form of ulcerated sore throat which results from gastric disturbances. The glands about the throat are swollen.

#Kali bichromicum. [Kali-b]
Sore throat, with swelling of the tonsils, and ulcers which exude a purulent discharge; there are diseased follicles which exude a caseous matter; the coating of the tongue is yellow at the base; there is an accumulation of sticky tenacious mucus in the pharynx and pains in the Eustachian tubes. There is with Kali bichromicum a sensation of dryness, of burning and of rawness, or a scraping feeling as if something were sticking in the throat. Ammonium muriaticum has sore throat with viscid phlegm, so tough that it cannot be hawked up. There is rawness in the naso-pharynx and hoarseness. Calcarea phosphorica, according to Cooper, is almost specific for adenoid vegetations in the naso-pharynx. Sanguinaria nitrate. In chronic follicular pharyngitis Ivins considers this remedy a sheet anchor, where there is burning, soreness and rawness in the pharynx.

#Guaiacum. [Guai]
This remedy is considered almost specific in ordinary pharyngitis, when it is worse on the right side, where the tonsils are swollen and throat is so dry that the patient must drink to assist deglutition, the throat is less red than under Belladonna and the follicles are involved, stinging pains in the throat or a burning like a pepper worse in warm moist air. Aching in the throat and neck, holds neck when talking. Pulsatilla. Fauces dark red or purplish and having the appearance of a varicose condition of the blood vessels; scraping, rawness, and dryness in the throat, without thirst.

#Lachesis. [Lach]
Sensation of a lump in the throat, which seems to go down when swallowing, but returns again; constriction of throat and difficult breathing, worse arousing form sleep or after sleep. Empty swallowing is painful and fluids escape from the nose; the throat is sensitive externally, and though the throat is bluish-red the discomfort is much greater than the appearance of the parts would warrant. Its field embraces also irritable and nervous sore throats. Shuldham remarks that Lachesis has not that deep-seated chronic inflammation of the glands of the pharynx that makes Kali bichromicum, Mercurius and Hepar come tripping along to the memory.

#Cantharis. [Canth]
A very useful throat remedy; it has a highly inflamed throat covered with a plastic lymph. there is spasm of the throat with a feeling of intense constriction. The throat feels as if on fire, the pain seems to be at the back of the throat. It has been found most useful at the conclusion of inflammatory and the commencement of catarrhal sore throats. Apis. Stinging pains in the throat, with oedema; the throat feel constricted , and the pharynx has a shiny appearance . Blisters in throat, with much swelling inside and outside. Capsicum. Useful in sore throats of smokers and drinkers, with burning and relaxed uvula, throat sore and contracted even when not swallowing; the fauces are dark red. There is excessive smarting and burning; cold aggravates.

#Hepar sulphur. [Hep]
Sharp splinter-like pains in the throat indicate this remedy, or a sensation as if there were a lump in the throat. Suppurative throat troubles, tonsillitis and retropharyngeal abscess will call for Hepar. The sensation of a fish bone in the throat is quite characteristic. The 3rd centesimal potency is doubtless the most efficacious strength in these conditions. Nitric acid has splinter-like sensations in throat, but due to ulcerative processes. Argentum nitricum. Sensation of a splinter in the throat when swallowing; secretion of clear tenacious mucus, rawness in pharynx and larynx with altered tone of voice. Natrum muriaticum. Sensation as of a hair in the throat, uvula elongated, feeling of a plug in throat, tobacco user's sore throat. Ignatia. Sensation of plug in throat, worse when not swallowing. Nervous symptoms, marked prostration and slow recuperation. Valeriana. Sensation as of a string hanging down into the throat. Kali carbonicum. A fish bone sensation in the throat, with hawking; no other remedy has this hawking and sensation combined.

#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
This is a remedy often overlooked in throat troubles , but it comes in more frequently than many others. It suits the irritated throats of smokers, drinkers and preachers; there is a follicular rawness and scraping in the throat which is usually caused by irritation from tobacco smoke, liquors or overuse of the voice. It is a chronic pharyngitis, and there may be atrophic white patches in the throat. There is also supra-sternal sensitiveness and a dry cough. Alumina. Useful in relaxed conditions of the mucous membrane of the throat, as in clergymen's sore throat. The throat is dark red and the uvula elongated. Dryness is also a prominent symptom; it has a glazed look. Ferrum phosphoricum. Dry, red, inflamed and painful throat, sore throats of singers and speakers. Gelsemium. Fauces dry and irritated and burning; the tonsils are inflamed. Senega is a most useful remedy in simple sore throats or when there are rheumatic complications. The 3rd potency is preferable. Sanguinaria nitrica. Chronic form of granular pharyngitis with a sensation of heat in the throat, and a thick,yellow or muco-sanguinolent expectoration.


Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications; thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless you..

2007-12-21 03:34:28 · answer #1 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 1 0


2016-04-30 09:33:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2016-08-31 19:57:14 · answer #3 · answered by Kimberly 3 · 0 0

Sore Throat.

2016-04-10 05:11:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry about the pain. This late at night, I don't know that you will have the supplies you need to start healing your throat, but here are some things you can try:

Grapefruit Seed Extract (not Grape, but Grapefruit) - should be in every medicine cabinet. It is an antibacterial and has many other healing properties. We use it here very successfully for sore throat. Gargle with 10 drops in 6 oz of water, then swallow. It tastes a little nasty, so chase it with something strong like grapefruit juice. Do that every 4-6 hours until the throat is better. Then continue for a day after.

Honey - honey is very curing, also and antibacterial, anti-everything actually. Take a teaspoon straight, or mix it in one of the hot teas listed below.

Lemon tea, always very soothing, though it doesn't necessarily healp cure, but helps the pain. With honey it will help the throat get better.

Mullein tea is GREAT for anything respiratory. It also tastes good. You can buy mullein tea at your health food store or online at http://www.iherb.com

Peppermint tea, with honey.

Steam will help loosen things up and soothe.

Pineapple juice helps soothe a sore throat.

Garlic is great. Crush a clove in a tablespoon of butter and toss with your favorite noodles or butter some bread with it and grill it (don't toast as it could ignite).

Vit C helps deal with viral issues. It must be taken several times a day as it is water soluble and the body rids itself of excess. Hence, what you take in the morning won't hang around for evening.

Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp in a glass of apple juice. It will help address whatever virus or bacteria is causing your throat to be sore.

REST - yeah, you want to go to school tomorrow. But, sleep is very important. Tonight, you should have your head on a pillow and sawing logs.

ABSOLUTELY NO refined sugars. They weaken the immune system and undo any good you are trying to do with the other things listed above. Sugar binges are actually one of the main causes of sore throats and cold symptoms. For future reference: Don't try to substitute aspartame (Nutrasweet) sucralose (splenda) other artificial sweeteners either. They aren't any better for your, actually worse. Just stick to natural sugars like honey, molasses or turbinado (raw). You can also substitute Stevia, which is a plant starch that is very sweet.

If you have to take pain reliever for the throat, and you are over 16, use aspirin. But, only as a last resort.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

2007-12-17 16:22:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you have health insurance, go to the doctor, they have some really good medicines out there that would numb your throat. For a home remedy to quicken the healing process and not the pain, gargle with salt water.

2007-12-17 13:25:11 · answer #6 · answered by Why does everyone hate me? 3 · 0 2

Gargle salt water, it won't cure your sore throat but it will do wonders for a few hours.

2007-12-17 16:30:05 · answer #7 · answered by bob 3 · 1 0

luck warm water with little salt and honey just drink every few hours it will go. and do gargling too

2007-12-17 17:15:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

if you have to go and stil feel terrible - see the school nurse - just a precaution

2007-12-17 13:49:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

HONEY!! :)

2007-12-17 13:25:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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