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We just built a new house which should be ready December 28th, 2007 for move in and we are relocating from Florida to Georgia. We were issued our new address but it seems that this address do not exist yet. We are moving away in 72 hours and how could I possibly even put my mail on mail forwarding when the new address seems to be nonexistent when I try to do the mail forwarding online at the postal web site. What should I do and who should we contact to verify this new address?? We do not want our mail lingering on back here in Florida while we're gone. We want to protect our personal information. Thanks!

2007-12-17 11:11:54 · 7 answers · asked by Alexis 1 in Local Businesses United States Other - US Local Businesses

7 answers

I am sure your new local post office knows how to handle this. Since none of us answering here are likely to be postal service managers, they have to be your best source.
However, if it was me being affected, I would simply go on in the new P.O. and request a hold status on all forwarded mail and pick it up as often as necessary until the mess gets strainghtened out. Newly created addresses have a number of things, in a number of businesses or agencies that require some time for the wheels to be greased. Happened to me about 7 years ago at a newly built home but it was over in no time.
Also, why not get a P.O. Box and be done with unknown addresses. I've had one 10 yrs. and there's a number of reasons why they're good.
1. Security (All sorts)
2. Ease of receiving packages (They put them in the box, or if to large, they put them in a larger box with a key to it in your P.O. box, and you can have access to this secure method 24 hrs. a day).
There are other reasons but the Bears/Vikings game is coming on T.V.

2007-12-17 12:58:18 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Go to the new Post Office immediately and Talk to them--let them help straighten out the problem. If it's not working, rent a POBox in new town and put in forwarding (change of address) to new PO Box (file in old town). You can change forwarding to new address. Use the mailing kits and notify everyone, banks, credit cards of new address--should have ALREADY done this, but with problem it's OK.

2007-12-17 11:18:01 · answer #2 · answered by chatsplas 7 · 0 0

The best thing to do is, call the postmaster general in Washington,D.C.
He is over all the postoffices. There is no sence ,in wasting time . by trying to do things locally . Most places are good , at passing the buck , the problem. It goes around and around, no end in sight .
Heres the phone number to the Postmaster General

2007-12-17 13:24:03 · answer #3 · answered by foxxy lady 1 · 1 0

Go to the post office in person and explain the situation to the postal clerk.

2007-12-17 11:19:32 · answer #4 · answered by Richard B 7 · 0 0

Go in to the post office and speak to the manager.

2007-12-17 11:15:15 · answer #5 · answered by redunicorn 7 · 0 0

just have the po hold your mail until you move in

2007-12-17 11:20:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it dosent exist because you have not completely moved in onece the house is finished and all it will start showing for mail

2007-12-17 11:15:43 · answer #7 · answered by Ba-Ran-de 1 · 0 2