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I got a new monitor and it needs to be set at 1680x1050 but the control panel will only let me go to 1600xwhatever...can i make it bigger?

2007-12-17 02:34:41 · 5 answers · asked by emily l 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Monitors

5 answers

If you lower the resolution it will make everything bigger. You do not have to use the 1680X1050 that's just the max your monitor will handle. right click on the blank screen choose properties and change the display, you have a 16X10 wide screen monitor so make sure that your new resolution is close to 16X10 by taking the lower number and multiplying it times 1.6 and find one that is close to that ie. 780x1.6= 1248 then look for a resolution of 1248X780 or close and your set.

2007-12-17 02:44:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

While your monitor is able to display a larger resolution, if you do not have an option for that size, it means that your video card can NOT display that resolution. So while the monitor can show it, your PC can not send it at that resolution.

You can try checking the web site of the video card makers to see if they might have an updated driver for the card. That might allow you to use the higher resolution. If not, you will have to replace the video card to get the higher resolution.

2007-12-17 10:43:29 · answer #2 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 1 0

By default Windows allows you to use a higher resolution than your screen supports,

2007-12-17 10:39:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Update your video card drivers, if that doesn't work then your video card doesn't support the resolution.

2007-12-17 10:41:35 · answer #4 · answered by willum 2 · 1 0

depends on ur video card. if it doesnt support it... it wont go. try to upgrade your drivers from the video card manufacture.

2007-12-17 10:37:07 · answer #5 · answered by sam in the 619 3 · 1 0

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