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Please include where you stayed-and some additional info would be nice i.e. what you did, places/club venues to check out/$$$

2007-12-16 13:35:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel United States Las Vegas

4 answers

THE Palms
Treasure Island

Here are some sites to help you:

2007-12-16 15:49:34 · answer #1 · answered by The TRUTH 3 · 0 0

This is a VERY difficult question to answer if YOU don't provide a price range you can afford. Many of the hotels on the Strip have significantly pricy subsections of their hotels that can cost literally thousands of dollars per night. I'm going to assume that you can't afford thousands of dollars per night or you wouldn't be asking Yahoo Answers where to stay.

In which case, the best, in my opinion, of the hotels that are nice for their "standard" rooms are, in order, The Bellagio, The Venetian, The Wynn, and Paris. The next tier would be Mandalay Bay, New York New York, Luxor, and Caesars. Of those, I have stayed in The Venetian, Paris, Mandalay Bay, NY NY, and Luxor. Bellagio is the hotel in all the Ocean's 11, 12, 13 movies and is spectacular. I've never stayed there because it can be $250 a night for the most basic of rooms (and I'd rather spend my money gambling than on the room). All the rooms in the Venetian are suites, which makes them a little nicer just because they're bigger. The bathrooms are all marble which is a nice touch.

My number one recommendation for being "moderately" affordable is to get a "lake view" room at the Bellagio. It will probably set you back about $400 a night, but the view of the water show every 15 minutes from your room will be priceless.

2007-12-16 22:47:54 · answer #2 · answered by Chester 2 · 0 0

The Signature at the MGM Grand. It's incredible. I don't remember what we paid but we got a really good deal.

I think its best to stay on the Strip because thats where all the cool hotel/casinos are but definitely go downtown to Fremont St. too. That's where you get the cheap stuff.

2007-12-16 22:28:48 · answer #3 · answered by Randy Daytona 2 · 0 0

There is too much to do to tell you. Go to www.lasvegas.com and/or www.vegas.com for information on places to stay and things to do. Clubs are pricey, period. Wynn, Venetian, Mirage are expensive.

2007-12-16 22:35:26 · answer #4 · answered by banananose_89117 7 · 0 0