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If so, when?

2007-12-16 11:12:31 · 4 answers · asked by ♥michele♥ 7 in Travel United States San Antonio

4 answers

Course not, the Riverwalk is always open but stores and restaurants have their own schedules.

2007-12-16 17:36:35 · answer #1 · answered by Finding Memo 7 · 0 0

From the Riverwalk page:

When and who drains the River Walk every year.
The River is drained each year in January by the City of San Antonio Parks Department. For more information on the draining, you can visit them at their web site @ www.sanantonio.gov/dtops/riverdrain.asp.................
Below are the dates they have set for future draining:
2008: Jan. 2-9
2009: Jan. 2-9
2010: Jan. 3-12
2011: Jan. 3-11
2012: Jan. 2-8
2013: Jan. 2-10.

What are the boat ride hours of Operation?
Depending on the time of year, the hours change. Call the reservations office for operating hours at 1-800-417-4139 or local (210)-244-5700 or www.riosanantonio.com

Check out the homepage for this attraction. I didn't see any other hours mentioned.

2007-12-16 19:18:26 · answer #2 · answered by lecia1167 3 · 0 1

The River Walk is partly opened since Katrina in New Orleans, I don't think they stay open late at all any more. The Nation has forgotten us completely. Come visit and see what's going on in New Orleans, it's still part of the U.S.A. isn't it? Someone inform me because I still am paying taxes in this Country.

2007-12-16 19:19:26 · answer #3 · answered by lee f 5 · 0 1

The Paseo del Rio itself is always open, however, the stores, clubs and restaurants have their own individual hours. As there are several hotels on the River, they are always open.

2007-12-17 00:15:45 · answer #4 · answered by US_DR_JD 7 · 0 0