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I was visiting there for the summer.. and I was just walking along looking for an internet cafe when I noticed a lot of the guys were walking and had their arms linked. Like 3 guys walking in a row with their arms on each others shoulders. Yeah. It seems really weird, but is it normal for them or what? And its not just those 3 guys, I just never paid attention until then. But other guys to it too. Thanks =)

2007-12-16 07:14:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East Morocco

9 answers

It is simply a sign of good friendship. It is very common for the men to do this. The women even walk around holding hands. As another person said, the people greet you with kisses on the cheek if they are family or good friends. I found this to be very endearing and a sign of acceptance. I recently went to Morocco to get married and all of my husband's family greeted me this way and I was accepted into the family by all of them. I found it refreshing that the men do this with no concern whatsoever regarding their sexuality.

2007-12-17 01:59:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

It’s a different culture and everybody shall respect it without staring and making stupid jokes about homosexuality.
I have been so many times in Morocco and other Arabian countries, so I really do not see it as anything strange and by the way, my parents have always educated me to respect everybody’s culture and traditions.
Every country has its own culture and tradition.
Here in Spain it’s typical for women to great another woman or man with a kiss on each cheek... men just great women with 2 kisses and normally do not great other men with kisses, only if it’s a very close friend or family.
So, sometimes for people from other countries it’s a little embarrassing to get kissed by strangers or being expected to kiss everybody...
And of course, sometimes people make these typical jokes and say, that Spanish women are 50% lesbians...
But living in Spain people get used to this costumes pretty soon...
I personally think that it’s nice that there are so many different traditions all over the world; this way we learn something new every day...

2007-12-17 01:09:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anita P 6 · 4 0

It's only weird if you've only experienced one culture.
This is the norm in many countries not just Morocco. I've seen it in India and South America. I find it endearing and freeing that they are not so hung up on whether it's manly or homosexual or not. I love seeing little kids together walking with their arm around the other and laughing. It always makes me smile.

2007-12-17 16:00:41 · answer #3 · answered by gitanafille 3 · 0 0

Culture, dear. Men there are not afraid to touch each other in a platonic way and it in NO way indicates homosexuality. It's very normal in may countries for men to do that, not just Morocco.

2007-12-16 09:05:43 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 · 3 0

Different cultures have different proxemics. For Morrocons, it is acceptable for me to hold hands and walk closely together - it is a sign of friendship. In the US, however, it would be misinterpreted for homosexuality. There are very different norms in these cultures.

2007-12-16 07:25:18 · answer #5 · answered by answer4u 2 · 4 0

VERY NORMAL. They don't have issues with their sexuality. Friends do this there. This happens a lot in the Arab world and actually it happens in some S. American countries too.

I hate this question and the answer the guy picked as best but what MoRmEx said as an answer is very good: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsAT1sgAuLjNFx4VS.L0C8oD7RR.;_ylv=3?qid=20071212085733AAGGwU0

2007-12-16 07:58:00 · answer #6 · answered by Sassafrass 6 · 6 2

Just a cultural variation.

2007-12-16 07:24:09 · answer #7 · answered by Criss_Mousse 3 · 4 0

there is nothing wrong in this in some cultures.
in egypt guys do this all the time.
when they go abroad , we advise them to avoid this so as not to be misunderstood.

2007-12-16 09:43:40 · answer #8 · answered by Moonrise 7 · 3 0

There's nothing to wonder about my dear, it's only normal.

Mabrouk el eid everybody.

2007-12-16 22:05:18 · answer #9 · answered by MoRmEx 5 · 4 1