Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Ovarian Cysts, Ovary Pain Neuralgia, Ovaritis
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate it. Bovista has also cured ovarian tumors.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum, such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration. Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal moods.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however, to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure; fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary; also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses. Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary. Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in nature.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless. Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double; stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain, extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation. Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending symptom.
Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)
I hope the provided information is helpful for you.
Take Care and God Bless you.
2007-12-16 05:13:33
answer #1
answered by Soul Doctor 7
If you are having issues conceiving and are still young- you might want ot check with the Doctor just as a pre-Conception check up- I mean you still have 4 months to go until you should really be concerned but I myself went to the Doctor once I made the necessary life changes (quit smoking ) and they just did Bloodwork and a trans vaginal ultrasound to make sure I have no cysts,PCOS, blocked tubes etc. Age has no correlation with fertility- a 20 year old healthy women can still have issues conceiving just as much as a 35 year old. It really has a lot to do with your Body and yor reproductive system.(of course you have advantages and disadventages with the two age groups and more or less possible complications- but in the reproductive science they have only to do with your reprodcutive systems) If you feel frustrated, the best thing is to just get checked out and get the bigger picture for yourself and your sanity ;-) Good luck ;-) hope this helps Baby dust to you... Ps. Just because you get checked out does not mean you will go on Fertility Drugs- but if you have Insurance Clomid is the least invasive and expensive fertility Drug you can try ;-)
2016-03-15 07:10:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I will bet any amount of money you're diabetic. They didn't know for along time that there is a direct link. We finally found a doctor that told us this and as soon as my wife's diabetes was under control she began ovulating normally. We had no idea that she was even diabetic till her OB/Gyn asked her if she'd ever been diagnosed as diabetic and the only reason he asked her was because she was polycystic. We have since learned that we had alot of friends that had the same problem and when they were checked out they were all diabetic or borderline diabetic.
Good Luck! and I hope this helps.
2007-12-16 06:36:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When you are reproductively challenged, take all the help you can get.
Try sex every other day after your period ends for at least two weeks.Continue as long as you can until you can't even look at each other.
Make sure to take a one day break in between days.
Good luck.
2007-12-15 08:32:46
answer #4
answered by Cammie 7
Harper's Biochemistry, a textbook used in major medical universities, states that infertility may be caused by the lack of certain nutrients. Because these nutrients are not there, the sperm does not recognize the egg. These nutrients are called glyconutrients.
The story of glyconutrients is on www.mannapages.com/terry08
click USA/continue/and watch "Healthcare Disruped" a 6 part video that explains what glyconutrients are and how they were discovered, and why they are important for our bodies to function properly.
2007-12-15 13:20:08
answer #5
answered by dairdee 1
Acupuncture might help. Find a good therapist that also offers Chinese herbs.
Marina Lando
Harmony Life
2007-12-15 08:40:24
answer #6
answered by Marina Lando at Harmony Life 2