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WHAT do you find most annoying with bandwagon fans???

2007-12-15 02:05:59 · 14 answers · asked by poppa bear 5 in Sports Football (American)


2007-12-15 02:06:29 · update #1

I asked for the simple reason on my flight back to N.H. i had some floridians sitting behind me who are headed to the Pats game this weekend yakking about how great the Patriots were and when I asked who they liked on the team they said Mike Brady and I said who and they said you know their QBthen I asked who they rooted for last year and they were Colts fans funny huh

2007-12-15 02:41:33 · update #2

also finally got a new keyboard so cap lock works again sorry to have offended any @ssholes who are sooooo perfect....

2007-12-15 02:44:10 · update #3

14 answers

They know very little history of football. Many are self proclaimed experts. And like lemmins, they jump off once things don't look that great. They don't have the experience to live through a team when they are down and out.
Example: My highest respects go to true fans of the Dolphins, Falcons, Raiders, SF 49's, Saints and all those teams which really have no way of entering into the playoffs. Or even fans that have a glimmer of hope of seeing their favorite team possibly making it into the wildcard playoffs. Those are the true fans. Now all these part time football fans want to join the badwagon of the Cowboys or Colts.
My favorite team is the most hated in all of football. Patriots. And pesonally I don't care who hates them, and how long ago and how far into the future they want to hate my Pats. But when the Pats were in the cellar, I knew I was a fan. Now I don't have elbow room.

2007-12-15 02:21:08 · answer #1 · answered by Tinman12 6 · 3 0

You gotta love when idiot Patriot haters choose a name "Randy Moss", so they can post ridiculous things to "try" to make Patriot fans look bad. Wow, some people really need to get a life and grow up on here. I wish there was two separate yahoo answers. One for ADULTS and on for the rest of immature teenagers and idiots. I also love the fact someone gives some crap about cap locks when obviously A. they are learning the "ways" of the internet, or B. like you said, had an issue with cap locks...people always jump to conclusions huh, and end up looking like the ******* they really are..

I find it funny that everyone says Pats fans are bandwagoners...no one ever asks me a trivia question about the Pats and our history, because why? They don't know crap about my team and their only reason for asking is to be a complete ******. The bandwagon fan thing drives me nuts. Who cares if they are bandwagon fans. You want to know why there are so many Steeler fans now? Because when they won all those times in the 70's everyone jumped on the bandwagon!! Same wtih Dallas..people love a winner, because they can't hack following a loser. I followed a loser in the 70's, 80's, and a majority of the 90's. This team is the Patriots...and now they are winning...so my loyalty is paying off...jump on board America. These winning years will be the reason in twenty years, people outside of New England will say they are a Pats fan..Just like people around the country say they are Steeler and Cowboy fans...Yankees or Lakers...that is how legacy's work for next generations.

2007-12-15 03:20:46 · answer #2 · answered by lkycharmz 4 · 2 0

Lions fan
you gotta have a second favorite ...when Brady started playing (former Michigan player) I started following the Pats..I liked Cowboys until coach Landry got treated like crap..maybe I am bandwagon..I don't lie about allegiances though, I just enjoy some teams as secondary to my constantly struggling Lions

2007-12-15 03:41:34 · answer #3 · answered by metoo 7 · 1 0

Heres a good example, a band wagon fan will not know much of the teams history or who plays on that team. They only talk about the stars on the team and will not know who the punter is.

2007-12-15 02:20:20 · answer #4 · answered by commish 4 · 2 0

What do I find most annoying? Over everything, their terrible grammar. The fact that people put "I live in.." whatever the city that team is from, and then put "I've been a fan for..." however many years - that comes in a close second.

2007-12-15 02:09:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You are the most annoying bandwagon fan. That types in CAPS ALL THE TIME. And says fan since 1959...... your not 70 on yahoo answers.

2007-12-15 02:09:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Cowboy fans are the most annoying. quiet when they stink and boring loud when the team does. well.
they are without knowledge of football but love the silver star.

2007-12-15 02:14:39 · answer #7 · answered by Michael M 7 · 3 1

They take up seats at the games then real fans can't get tickets.

2007-12-15 02:15:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Chicago Bears fans. Their favorite saying ........... Just wait til next season. lol. Next season never comes.

2007-12-15 02:20:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

when all they do is brag abou there!!!!! team that they just started to like when the team is 5-0

2007-12-15 02:10:56 · answer #10 · answered by blueyedbayouboy 3 · 2 0

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