Turning yourself upside down doesn't do much, if anything, for your circulation. You'll feel a difference because of the way gravity is causing your body to displace it's weight.
If you want to increase circulation, you need to seek cardiovascular health. That means cardio exercise where your heart rate is elevated, holding the maximum heart rate (beating as hard as it can) and holding it for ten minutes. If you are tired ten seconds after reaching your maximum heart rate, you are out of shape and need to exercise much, much more. Work at it slowly until your body adapts and will start to crave exercises, just like all of those fitness junkies you think you love to hate.
Other methods of increasing circulation, that are much easier for people to achieve, is longer periods of an elevated heart rate. A long walk is sufficient in this case. A short run is even better. The easier it is for you to adapt to your maximum heart rate and you resting heart rate, the more healthy (and resilient) your heart has become.
2007-12-14 17:12:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yoga teachers recommend it....Your heart is the pump that circulates the blood throughout your body...You dont need gravity for ensuring better circulation to your head. Our body is created to function 100% fit when we stand on our legs. Why stand on head and risk Cervical Problems like neck pains....if you cant balance properly youmay risk injury to your neck.
2007-12-14 16:59:55
answer #2
answered by ramarao p 4
Whatever it takes to keep the blood circulating is a good idea.
We all need more activity and exercising in our lives.
I keep myself very active.
Most of the day, all parts of my body are in constant motion.
That's why I feel very healthy most of the time.
Strenuous exercise is not what I mean.
Keeping very busy is better exercise.
2007-12-14 16:58:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I've never heard of anything bad happening from that.
Every once in awhile I hang upside down on an inversion table (to releave pressure on my spine) and I've never had any complications and feel better when I do it. A lot of people use them for back problems.
2007-12-14 17:01:04
answer #4
answered by a jaded angel 4
I haven't heard that it causes any real harm. When you think that shock victims are placed with their head lower than their body then you would think that there is some credence to this school of thought.
2007-12-14 17:42:03
answer #5
answered by RT 66 6
I have an inversion table
great to stretch out your spine - and yes - the spinal fluids into the brain
great !
2007-12-14 16:57:00
answer #6
answered by tom4bucs 7
i cant see that it would be very good for a person,all that blood rushing to the brain.how could it be.tell him to be normal and stand on his feet,he will find that works better
2007-12-14 16:59:36
answer #7
answered by First Name linda J 1
2016-05-24 01:00:49
answer #8
answered by ? 3
dont do it to long that could be bad for the rest of your body
2007-12-14 16:56:21
answer #9
answered by bumblebee 4
i guess he knows about it well, its good,
2007-12-14 16:57:14
answer #10
answered by ya ali 3