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I know this sounds silly....but what are the chances of getting knocked over by the wind if you're driving from Vegas to LA? It will be my first time driving ALONE from Vegas to LA, and I'm afraid the wind might be so strong that it'll knock over my Rav4 (and I know I am not heavy enough to hold the car down). I'm so paranoid!!

2007-12-13 18:53:39 · 8 answers · asked by Milktea 1 in Travel United States Las Vegas

8 answers

Your biggest fear should be crazy traffic, and jams. Do NOT travel I-15 during Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve - it's a parking lot.

2007-12-14 21:10:14 · answer #1 · answered by Your Uncle Dodge! 7 · 0 0

Having lived in Vegas and LA, the drive has gotten much easier over the past years. These days, travelling during the day is very safe with the amount of CHP and NVH (highway patrol), and your biggest concern is traffic and construction. As another answer states, take a cell phone and chances are you'll be fine!!

To make life even eassier, go to mapquest and print your driving directions so you don't need to ask directions. Have fun!

2007-12-14 10:41:36 · answer #2 · answered by JERRY R 2 · 0 0

No, that is a major interstate and is quite safe. The weather along that corridor is seldom bad this time of year. If you do want a good alternative consider using the Megabus system which has a really cool bus service between Las Vegas and LA that is fast, comfortable and low cost to ride. Check it out at www.megabus.com Good Luck.

2007-12-13 19:21:37 · answer #3 · answered by Roaddogg 6 · 0 0

You sound like me. You can never be too safe when taking a trip. Be sure to buy an Emergency Roadside Kit and always keep it in your car. They sell them for $20 at Walmart or Target. They have flares, flashlights, First Aid Kit, rain poncho, battery cables, etc... I also keep blankets and a case of water because you never know.
Your drive to LA is a nice one. The I-15 is smoothe and easy. There are Emergency Call Boxes every mile or so. Just set the cruise control and go.
Good luck and have fun in beautiful SoCal.

2007-12-14 02:00:33 · answer #4 · answered by sdsrfbum69 3 · 0 0

It should be just as safe as any other time. IF there is a wind warning you may feel the wind. I would be more worried about ice and fog over the mountain pass between LA and Vegas.

2007-12-14 11:46:31 · answer #5 · answered by banananose_89117 7 · 0 0

NO it is a great ride. There's cops on the road and in the air if you get distressed. But enjoy this experience.
Done it many times. Lovely drive great scenery

2007-12-14 04:30:34 · answer #6 · answered by Michael M 7 · 0 0

I wouldn't worry about it. I rode a motorcycle in the windiest of days in Vegas without getting sucked up. You'll be fine in a RAV.

2007-12-13 18:57:10 · answer #7 · answered by mb20and151 5 · 0 0

That's one of the safest drives in the country. I've driven it many times alone. Have a cell phone with you, though, and wear your seat belt, of course.

2007-12-13 19:00:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0