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i have recently purchased a cat d 04 fiat punto and the back bit of the exhaust fell off within a month. I think it was just the back box.

I went to kwikfit and they said they had to replace the whole thing which woul cost about 160 quid.
because i was thinking of getting a performace/sports backbpx replaced anyway, i am thinking i should go to another garage and having it welded on.

At first i thought kwikfit were just trying to make more money out of me by asking me to replace the whole thing, but ive heard some other people say that you cant just replace a sepearte part of the exhuast as it is one continous piece.

Is there any truth to this?

also if i do get the whole thing replaced then i would have to pay extra to get the backbox modified. any suggestions for an alternative option?

2007-12-12 16:37:32 · 8 answers · asked by dadface1 1 in Cars & Transportation Car Makes Fiat

8 answers

just get a new back box wealded on,
i went to argos of all places and got a ywin back box for 49:99 it came with clamp but i wealded it on as well for added security

regards x kitti x

2007-12-12 16:47:13 · answer #1 · answered by misskitti7® 7 · 0 0

you dont need a specialist to plug the ecu in. as for reseting the one you have disconect the battery for half an hour and it is reset. it may run rough for a couple seconds while it relearns the paramiters of the sensors fitted to you car {a new one will also do the same thing as all cars are different and it only has a basic program to start the car then self learns as it runs} you are right about it being a comen fault. the ecu sends 2 signals to the coil pack one signal does 2 cylinders the other does the other 2 if one signal is disturbed or has interference is missfires on 2 cylinders, i would advise you remove the code box if your fitting a new ecu as the code box codes itself to the ecu so that ecu only works with the chip in your key and the code box but they go wrong all the time and is very costly to have put right so while the ecu is still a virgin and has no code remove the code box befor it gives it a code then fit an aftermarket imobiliser instead as it will actually save you hundreds of pounds in the future

2016-04-09 00:07:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I can only say that I have a Y reg Punto and the back box fell off last year and that is all the garage replaced.

2007-12-12 17:19:02 · answer #3 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 0 0

There's some Fiat sport back boxes on here:- http://www.ashleyexhausts.co.uk/c5205_1163_1202_1210.htm

And you can find conventional back boxes on here, for example:-http://www.onlineautomotive.co.uk/search_results.php?
so they certainly exist.

I'd guess they just want to flog you a full system, though to be fair the rest may be in such a state that it's impractical just to do the back box. Try another exhaust place and see what they say.

2007-12-12 17:05:14 · answer #4 · answered by champer 7 · 0 0

Depends how long you want to keep the car.Generally speaking, it works out cheaper in the long run to replace the whole thing. Sounds like your exhaust repair place gave good advice. £160 doesn't sound too expensive for the whole thing.

2007-12-12 18:22:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i shop around 160 it a bit of a no no i would get a new not a sport one

2007-12-15 23:28:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Replace the car insted youl feel much better

2007-12-13 00:39:01 · answer #7 · answered by chris c 3 · 1 0

save yourself a lot of grief and replace the car!

2007-12-13 10:35:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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