I do and continue to support Ron Paul.
And George Bush talks to God....so Ron Paul seems pretty sane to me.
2007-12-12 13:06:04
answer #1
answered by KERMIT M 6
1. Minimum wage hurts the poor more than helps. It doesn't keep up with inflation, while making companies hire less people because they can't afford to.
2. OSHA is a joke which does nothing to keep people safe. They nitpick about small stuff, while allowing blatantly unsafe practices and chemicals to be used because they have no proof they are unsafe.
3. This tax is a joke. You work to give your family a better life, not to have the government steal half of it when you die.
4. Well yeah, without the IRS, these things would be unnecessary, since you wouldn't be paying an illegal, unconstitutional tax in the first place. And all these are linked to income tax.
5. How would this cause harm? Remember, just because you can do what you want with private property, doesn't mean you can trash anothers. It is called private property laws. Just because some people in governmant don't believe in them don't mean they aren't there.
6. We don't follow international law anyways, so explain the diference between now and when RP is President. Besides, international law is a trampling of our rights as an independent nation.
7.By withdrawing from the UN, all we would be doing is following the founders advice. And unless you didn't get the memo, they are a corrupt and inefficient organization. If this is negative, please explain how. Sometimes you have to tear the whole thing down and start over.
8. Yes, he is Protestant, that is not evangelical Christian. Everyone who believes in God is not an "Evangelical Christian".
9. It is unconstitutional, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This is an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms.
10. See #9
11. The local government does a lot better job of deciding what the kids in their area should learn than the feds.
12.The only thing the "Seperation of Church and State" does is prevent a official State Church from being set up, such is the case in some European Countries. This is never actually in the Constitution either. And as far as teaching evolution alternatives, what exactly is wrong with teaching all ideas, and letting the individual decide what they believe. Sounds scary, doesn't it, letting someone use their own brain to decide what they believe.
2007-12-12 13:29:48
answer #2
answered by bacco l 3
"Ron Paul supports abolishing the minimum wage".
FACT: He then leaves it to the state to determine what the minimum wage should be based on the local economy. He believes that $8 an hour is different in Malibu than in Tulsa.
"Ron Paul supports abolishing the Occupational and Safety Health Act"
FACT: He supports all beaucratic red tape relating to it. Leaves it to each state to decide.
"Ron Paul supports abolishing estate tax"
FACT: What a brilliant idea. When a person dies, why should the government benefit at the expense of the heirs and the decedant's wishes?
"Ron Paul would repeal the elderly tax credit, child care credit, earned income credit, and other common credits for working class citizens."
FACT: Again this abolishment is only supported on a FEDERAL level. These will also be more than made up when the income tax is abolished. Those same people who lose those write offs, will gain in less government taking of their money.
"Ron paul would do irreperable damage to the environment, he supports abolishing Soil and Water Conservation Act of 1977"
FACT: All republicans tend to be less "green". They turn a blind eye to environmental issues as they relate to revenues for big business. At least Ron Paul would allow some state intervention to mitigate this common republican neglect.
"Ron Paul would ignore all international Laws"
FACT: This is the funniest one. Complete falacy. He believes in upholding international law and stopping the atrocites we commit behind the American people's backs. This is an atrocity considering that the poor American people end up paying the price for the sins of a few people who don't represent their interets.
"Ron Paul would continue to create a negative image of America in the global community and withdraw from the UN"
FACT: Ron Paul would restore the dignity that we used to have internationally. If we're out of other nation's business and attend to our own, I don't think we'd decline our popularity considering that our interventionistic policies are precisely what has made us hated among the international community. This includes many of our now reluctant allies.
"Ron Paul is a die hard evangelical christian"
FACT: He is NOT an avangelical Christian. How could he be, if he supports the states deciding issues of abortion and stem cell research?
"Ron Paul would repel the Gun Free Schools Act"
He wpuld advocate the states to do this instead of the federal government cutting the red tape by eliminating the middle man. This will actually facilitate not hinder the application of this and other laws.
"Ron Paul would remove restrictions on personal ownership of semi-automatic weaponry"
FACT: This is an issue that all of the republican party holds with the exception of Giuliani (since he's not really a republican on MANY other issues too). At least Paul would give this dicretion to each state to decide what the citizens want as a true democracy should.
"Ron Paul would remove all federal standardized tests from the classroom".
FACT: We're one of the lowest ranking countries in terms of pre- college school performance. He doesn't believe that the federally mandated testings and progrmas which cater to the lowest level of the student body has been very effective. He believes that standards can be set and the states can then enforce the meetings of expectations rather than the wasted resources on a proven lost cause.
"Ron Paul does not believe in the seperation of church and state and has stated he would support "alternative views" to evolution being taught in schools
FACT: This is abosolutelu not true. He's for the constitution especially in these types of instances. Ron Paul is a strong pro-life advocate, but he's the only pro-life candidate who leaves it to the people to decide what they want their children to be taught. Letting kids know about alternative stheories is inevitable. Do you really think that if we don't tell our kids that there are other theories that they wouldn't ever find out? Knowledge is never a bad thing, even if it's a view point we may not agree with.
2007-12-12 13:45:20
answer #3
answered by TJTB 7
1) Sure Ron Paul supports abolishing the minimum wage, but he also will destroy taxes, eliminate waste, and return America to the Gold Standard. That means every dollar you make will be worth more than it is now, inflation will be kept in check, and the government will take less of your money.
2) Sounds bad. I can't give you a good response here since I don't know enough about this particular law.
3) what's wrong with cutting taxes?
4) This is America. Grab yourself by the bootstraps and work your way to success. Besides, Ron Paul would eliminate taxes drastically and so it'll make up for the loss of tax credits cuz there won't be a tax.
5) Ok I disagree here as well.
6) Ron Paul recognizes the sovereignty of each country, especially America. International laws are needless so long as we have international diplomacy.
7) The United Nations is not working. It is weak as it is and has not done very much since its inception.
8) So what if he's a hardcore evangelical christian? He is not pushing his views on anybody. In fact, he is strictly anti-abortion personally, but he nevertheless is leaving the states to decide on the legality of it. He follows the law and it seems to me that the Constitution is more important to him than the Bible.
9) Lol. U really think this law is keeping schools safe from guns? Virginia Tech, Columbine.... Criminals break the law. If someone really wanted to do a school shooting, I don't think they would stop and say "Oh wait the Gun Free Schools Act doesn't let me do this. I'll just wait til schools out and kill people somewhere else."
10) When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. Criminals will break the law. If you been automatic guns, they'll just get it from the black market. Gun control isn't stopping anyone. This is coming from a guy who doesn't even own a gun and is against curbing it.
11) Federal standardized test are, in brief, useless. They accomplish nothing. America's public education sucks when compared to Europe's and Japan's. Standardized national testing has not done anything to fix that.
12) I find this hard to believe. Are you making this one up? The separation of church and state was a doctrine established by our founding fathers in the constitution itself. Why would Ron Paul not support it? He is a strict Constitutionalist; there's no way he would simply ignore that.
2007-12-12 13:15:17
answer #4
answered by spartan-117 3
I was going to dismiss the question due to yet another poster being uneducated on the issues who is just unable to at least recognise there are intelligent arguments for both sides of all these points...
...but then I read, "Ron Paul would continue to create a negative image of America in the global community..." and nearly pulled a muscle laughing.
If this is your feeling you either really do not have a clue or you are just instigating. Too funny!
2007-12-14 09:59:05
answer #5
answered by Marcello 2
Haven't been following Ron Paul, apparently I need to do some research, I agree with a lot of those statements. BTW, anyone have any suggestion on a compact gun I can get to carry with my soon to be acquired concealed weapons permit.
2007-12-12 17:20:10
answer #6
answered by KneeKnee 5
real conservatives help him now----in actuality the advent convention could become an open one because of the fact McCain isn't a real conservative...Ron Paul could o.k. pop out of the Republican convention because of the fact the nominee---in spite of everything he has my vote---any way that that's forged.
2016-10-02 08:48:04
answer #7
answered by Erika 4
Ron Paul appears to be, simply put, anti government running our lives. Obviously , our country needs some kind of government but one that hopefully looks after the peoples interest and welfare. The people who are for Paul seem, to me, to be very frustrated and disillusioned with what the past 7 years has brought.
2007-12-12 13:04:48
answer #8
answered by To Be 4
Wow, that's quite a list, what a great compilation of reasons to support Ron Paul. Every one of those would be great for the USA. (except the christian part, that's irrelevant)
Repealing the Conservation act would be helpful, not harmful. You would know this if you read it. We must get out of the UN. Minimum wage laws cause unemployment and inflation. Government education is a disaster.
2007-12-12 13:10:27
answer #9
answered by E. F. Hutton 7
Someone who tells the truth about Ron Paul!
Anyone who thinks RP is a Libertarian does not know what a Libertarian stands for.
RP is a theocrat.
2007-12-12 14:50:38
answer #10
answered by DrSean 4
The whole questions runs sort of sarcastic to me and fodder for Ron Paul supporters.
My beef. He's against anti-trust laws and for a laissez-faire economy if he's truly libertarain. The ultimate goal of the capitalist is profit. Left uncheck and without regulation, from our own history, we got child labor, monopolies, unsanitary handling of food, low pay and long hours, union busting, limited economic mobility for the working class, and negative externalities like pollution (there would be no incentive to lower it). There are probably more.
In the end, it wouldn't be government that would be "oppressing" citizens but greedy corporations, conglomerates, and individuals who control the most property and the most vital properties. I like my capitalism with a bit of regulation, thanks.
I'm trying to think of how much powers States would have on interstate commerce and business overall.
2007-12-12 13:25:42
answer #11
answered by Manuel B 4