I certainly hope so, but I doubt it. A&E sees how popular the other paranormal programs are, so they want a piece of the action. It's incredibly inexpensive to produce a show like this. There is no writing really. There's no fact checking. There are no real credibility issues. Because the subject is the paranormal they can make any claim they want.
2007-12-11 12:15:31
answer #1
answered by Peter D 7
I have never seen either but judging from the short videos I have seen on YOutube I have to say ghost hunters even though they act like scared 10 year olds. I just can';t take the good evil take on Paranormal State, everything seems to be a demon.
2016-05-22 23:19:29
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Not a hoax but a bandwagon effort to ride on the coattails of the very successful Sci-Fi series "Ghost Hunters". Several networks have tried, but failed, to replicate the success of Ghost Hunters. Nonetheless, Paranormal State gets points for being interesting due to the age of the founder who seems to be haunted individual himself. I look forward to seeing some episodes but predict I will get bored because of juvenile superstitious dogma.
2007-12-10 14:30:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I liked it ok, & I am an avid viewer of Ghost Hunters. It is different than ghost hunters though, because they don't try to disprove some of the things that happen. But the show still freaked me out, especially when they were at the house in Elizabethtown.
2007-12-13 05:25:57
answer #4
answered by Sugar Magnolia 6
It plays out like a television drama series... There is a weekly "conflict" that is reseolved, but they have already established a series-long sub-plot with the director's experiences with this recurring "demon" - whose name he will not say out loud.
The Paranormal Research Society is a real entity - but I think this show may be a publicity stunt... I guess time will tell.
2007-12-12 13:12:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A hoax? Time will tell. Like most other haunting fans my choice is T.A.P.S. because they take us with them on the hunt. I do not like Most Haunted.. its so Blair Witch its not even funny. And their camera man sucks. I hate they way they go to someones face when "something" happens .. why not pan the room and catch what happens ..who cares what Yevette looks like scared.. she is so lame. They needs to quit.
Paranormal state is new.. they claim ties with some very important places. I would guess in the next few weeks they will prove themselves or be proved idiots. So give em some time..
2007-12-10 22:20:54
answer #6
answered by Sawboo 2
Well considering it has been 5 years in the making, why would they show it if it didn't have meaning. I liked it and am looking forward to seeing it every week.
I agree with the others about them not showing the name of the demon- it preys on doing evil and I SURELY do not want to know this name!!
Look, when you are from Louisiana like I am, things like this DO exist! You wouldn't believe the old plantations here that have disturbances. Call me nuts but I do NOT think it's a hoax until they prove to me otherwise!!
2007-12-10 16:59:49
answer #7
answered by †..Jetta..† 3
Yes, they edit the show and you will always see a slanted "cut" of what was filmed.
Even Kris Angel called out a hoak right on the show. It's easy to spot a hoax, when you are Kris Angel...the hoax master.
2007-12-10 14:28:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I saw it and I thought it was pretty good. I like it a lot better than Ghost Hunters and for sure better than Most Haunted...because it was more "down to earth". I realize they added some spooky noises etc...but I think overall they're pretty honest.
EDIT..TO GREG....They couldn't say it out loud because then it might really come and cause harm or problems. They're afraid of it...I heard fear gives it more power.
2007-12-10 15:28:56
answer #9
answered by Deenie 6
The name is Belial, and it is a hoax as God doesn't allow communication with the dead. But, evil most definitely can influence as long as you let it, by being weak minded or emotionally unstable
2007-12-12 09:02:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous