If you supplied your credit card information to them when you activated your trial, and then did not cancel at the end of the trial period, they would activate automatically and charge your card. It's up to you to cancel prior to the end of the trial to prevent the charge. If you feel it was in error, you need to call McAfee customer service.
2007-12-10 09:27:16
answer #1
answered by Spartacus! 7
When you use your credit card to purchase software, it is very very important that you read "EULA". End User Lic., Agreement. There may have been a cluase in the McAfee EULA, that says they will auto. renew your subscription after expiration. Better call them as soon ASAP, or pay the fees that your bank will charge to stop payment on your credit card.
Myself, I always use a private credit card source that handles the transaction out of Germany & represents the software company. The entire action is done under "VeriSign", uses very strong encryption an at the end of the transaction, you are asked if you wish them to retain your CC#, or "NO", and I say NO.
Minddoctor, France
2007-12-10 19:10:13
answer #2
answered by MINDDOCTOR 7
The user agreement will describe the payments schedule.
The idea that because you gave your bank details that this means the seller can deduct from your account and the bank can do nothing about it is mistaken. If that were so, every bank transfer or cheque would be a perpetual consent to deduct from your account at any time, which is patently wrong.
2007-12-10 17:30:05
answer #3
answered by kinning_park 5
They did it to me but I managed to cancel it. They sent me an e-mail to inform me and it had e-mail address to cancel. My bank said they could do nothing to help as I had agreed apparently by giving Mcafee my bank details.
2007-12-10 17:24:31
answer #4
answered by Purple triangle 5
The first time you did it did you read the user agreement?
It probably says you will be renewed automatically.
Call them and tell them to cancel it.
If they don't, you can call your credit card, say you talked to them and they refused, and they should take it off.
2007-12-10 17:19:00
answer #5
answered by soccerpsychic 4
You did agree. Read the original EULA.
2007-12-10 18:20:40
answer #6
answered by Charley Horse 6
go to your bank and tell them to block the debit transaction from them and tell them that you didnt agree to it and they just took the money, they will sort it out.
2007-12-10 17:22:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They cant, you must have aggreed to it and gave them your card information.
2007-12-10 17:17:36
answer #8
answered by rollnpc 4