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I need to know where Prum, Germany is - on a map. So any ideas? Like relative locations or in what part of Germany, etc.?

2007-12-09 09:01:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Germany Other - Germany

3 answers

Click on that: http://maps.google.de/maps?q=Pr%C3%BCm&hl=de&ie=UTF8&ll=50.214042,6.424599&spn=12.861785,27.861328&z=5&om=1.
Then zoom the map as big or small as you like, or look at Prüm from the satellite.

2007-12-09 09:29:33 · answer #1 · answered by otto saxo 7 · 0 2

as you already been told, Prüm is in the West almost at the border to Belgium and Luxemburg. The only "good" thing I can say about Prüm is that it is very close to Autobahn (highway) 60 so you can out of this place very fast.
go to Luxemburg, sightseeing there is fun because everything is very cheap, Colmar is a very nice city and not so far away. Special now in this time there are x-mas markets (Christmarkt or Weihnachtsmarkt) and lots of things to discover (Glühwein = hot red wine with some secret ingrediens). Nature around Prüm is beautiful if you like it quite, forests, hillish country side.....

the best thing is...don't expect much from Prüm so you are not too disappointed. Big citys are close by and I'm sure you gonna go there. Bitburg is famous for its beer.

2007-12-10 04:54:33 · answer #2 · answered by Bernd 5 · 1 0

If you are interested in the place bc you are with the US Air Force (why else would you be asking about a hamlet with no rail connection and roughly 5300 inhabitants), contact "airforcemom". IIRC the woman with that yahoo ID is/was stationed in Prüm.

2007-12-09 19:08:33 · answer #3 · answered by t_maia2000 6 · 1 2