It doesn't scare me. Thank goodness, she had enough sense to dump Hillary....!
2007-12-08 13:55:18
answer #1
answered by wider scope 7
Obama simply is not going to beat Hillary Clinton, some worry about Oprah dividing Democrats with an endorsement, but the Republicans are far more splintered.
2007-12-08 13:50:12
answer #2
answered by Stewie Griffin 2
I believe in Oprah and her convictions. I do not fear Obama and his run for the Presidency. I still want nothing more than a more cooperative government and feel that someone who can visualize both side of an issue like John McCain is what this country needs. Obama has many good points to his favor with or without Oprah, he is just too far to one side to mend the problems of the current gap of the parties.
2007-12-08 13:58:23
answer #3
answered by rance42 5
I really sense it has to do with the color of Obama's skin. This is a real shame in this day and age. Oprah has the right to endorse whichever candidate she chooses. Just like anyone else.
2007-12-08 13:47:50
answer #4
answered by Big Bear 7
Oprah is very weighty in politics, she carries a lot of weight......literally. She has a huge influence and backside. Oprah casts a large shadow wherever she goes, she is like an eclipse. She is larger than life and the stage she will be on. She was too huge for the original venue so it was moved to a very large football stadium to accomodate her. A big event like this deserves an even bigger celebrity and Oprah is it and then some.
2007-12-08 13:54:03
answer #5
answered by El Guapo 4
Oprah carries a lot of weight with women voters. Hillary is counting on the woman vote per se, and Obama getting them instead will not make the Hillary supporters happy.
2007-12-08 13:51:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I honestly don't believe her endorsement would have done anything without the media . Oprah being around will make Obama popular by the exposure and he can make himself known to many people who wouldn't vote for him or listen to him for that matter .
2007-12-08 13:50:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Oprah is a very powerful and infuential women. So needless to say her support will have a large impact on Obamas popularity
2007-12-08 13:48:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Maybe Obama should campaign for Oprah, a life-imitating-art kind of thing..
2007-12-08 13:52:06
answer #9
answered by ? 6
oprah has a cult-like influence over blacks. she can influence their vote, even though she is no more qualified than anyone else to determine who should be president. some people will vote the way she says simply because of who she is, not because is more knowledgeable than anyone else.
2007-12-08 13:52:10
answer #10
answered by grumpy 5
I'm not. The person who fears it the most is Hilliary. She knows that that endorsement can suck away black and liberal votes away from her and towards Obama.
2007-12-08 13:48:18
answer #11
answered by Anonymous