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2007-12-07 23:55:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

20 answers

Blinking serves two purposes - 1) to spread the tears produced by the tear ducts over the surface of the eye, thus keeping it moist; 2) to move dirt to the corners of our eyes where it can be flushed out.

Larger pieces of debris in the eye can also be forcibly removed through rapid blinking, which is a natural response to a foreign object in the eye.

2007-12-08 00:05:22 · answer #1 · answered by Shayna 5 · 0 0

If you look at a rabbit or a dog or a cat you will notice that they almost never blink. The same is true for babies, it is only as we mature into children that be need to blink. You might think that you have asked a simple question with a simple answer but that is not the case. There are thousands of scientific papers that have been written on the subject and there is still no definitive answer. If you would like to know more do a little research into the subject of dry eye.

2016-05-22 03:39:17 · answer #2 · answered by janell 3 · 0 0

Blinking is a Natural Response to the Contaminates that are Eyes are Exposed to each and every day and night!

Tears are moved across the front of the eyeball by the WIPERS....! Your Eye Lids are those wipers.... like those on the windshield of a car.

They CLEAN and LUBRICATE your eye balls...!

Thanks for Asking ! RR

2007-12-08 00:00:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, if we keep our eyes open for too long, the muscles in the eyes would get very tired, which creates the burning sensation. Also, blinking can remove debris in or around the eye.

2007-12-08 00:01:04 · answer #4 · answered by jeongrankim 1 · 0 0

To oil, lube, and filter the eyes

Blinkingour eyes automatically supplies two forms of moisture to our eyes, to keep them from drying out, and to keep foreign matter from entering and irritating our eyes.

Blinking also protects the eye from dryness by irrigating, not by irritating, the eye, The eyelid, through suction, automatically draws the fluid we cry with from the well we refer to as the tear duct over the eyeball, to irrigate, and to moisturize the eye.

Yet another benefit of blinking, is to shield the eye from foreign bodies. Our eyelashes, short, curved, hairs, attached to the eyelids, serve as dust-catchers, as the blinking reflex causes them automatically to lower, when exposed to harsh elements. Nature endowed the camel with extraordinarily long, curly, eyelashes, to protect his eyes from sudden sandstorms in the desert. Incidentally, the "camel eyelash" look is one many women attempt to duplicate by using an eyelash curler! Eyebrows, by the way, also serve their purpose, as they catch the run-off perspiration produces.

2007-12-08 00:12:45 · answer #5 · answered by crissxcross 1 · 0 0

I think it is so are eyes do not dry out,and of course we close our eyes when we cry as well xx Can you remember Helen from big Brother she said" I love blinking I do" so funny xx

2007-12-08 04:19:51 · answer #6 · answered by lucy 4 · 0 0

the air dries them out and when we blink somehow it moistens them again so they don't burn! when the air is super dry we blink more and when it's good moist air we don't need to blink as much!

2007-12-08 07:30:20 · answer #7 · answered by in His image 6 · 0 0

I blink whenever I am in a confused state... XD

2007-12-08 00:04:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its because our eyes get irritated and the blinking gives soothing relief, furthermore it helps our eyes to see better

2007-12-07 23:59:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To keep them clean and moist. Sometimes to protect them.

2007-12-08 00:02:48 · answer #10 · answered by funnelweb 5 · 0 0