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How many of you are disgusted with the number of advertisements for booze this time of year? I am! I think there is so much more to the holidays than drinking in order to celebrate -- it's time the booze makers take some responsibility for those holiday drunks on the road killing innocent people!

2007-12-07 23:54:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Laugh all you want -- my point exactly! If advertising doesn't cause people to drink more, than why are there so many commercials? If the reason to advertise is NOT to increase its consumption, there doesn't need to be so many commercials promoting booze. Now who's the ignorant one? Not me, the advertisers are.

2007-12-08 00:03:59 · update #1

Point in case: I was watching a Christmas special last night and within the two hours of the show, I counted 12 booze commercials -- 4 of which were the same ones replayed.

2007-12-08 00:06:52 · update #2

BTW, this question is for people who ARE DISGUSTED with the number of booze ads, not people who just want to put me down, argue with me, or who just might have a drinking problem themselves. These people don't need to respond.

2007-12-08 01:09:50 · update #3

Lydai - I'm in the US and the commercials I saw were for wine, baileys, beer, amaretto, and vodka so I have no idea what you're talking about or from what planet you're on. All alcohol is booze.

2007-12-08 10:44:15 · update #4

7 answers

There is too many adverts full stop.

2007-12-07 23:57:31 · answer #1 · answered by Ollie 7 · 1 0

You're ignorant if you think that the booze commercials make people decide to get wasted and then drive. It's their decision and theirs alone. In each commercial for alcohol they warn you to drink responsibly, but it's never taken seriously. I almost laughed when I saw this question to be honest, and I'm sorry I'm being "brutally" honest.

EDIT: No, you're still being ignorant. The alcohol companies could care less if people got drunk or not, they just want sales. That's ALL it is. People drink, so what? You don't have to be so adamant about an issue that no one else but you cares about. It's nice that you counted how many commercials there were for alcohol, and the fact that it was during a Christmas special just makes it funny. It's a proven fact that people drink more around the holidays, get over it. End of argument.

2007-12-08 07:59:18 · answer #2 · answered by Ok? 1 · 2 2

Well, you don't say where you're from, but in the U.S., spirits cannot be advertised on television and neither can cigarettes. So, I'd venture a guess you're not talking about here. The only alcohol advertised on t.v. is beer., champagne around the holidays, and maybe some wine and you only see those commericials usually during sporting events or on weekends, it seems like. Maybe other countries need tighter restrictions like these.

We do have an awful lot of billboard and magazine advertising for the cigarettes and liquor, though, because they cannot be on television.

2007-12-08 12:08:37 · answer #3 · answered by Lydia H 5 · 1 2

Back when I was younger, they used to have alot of
cigarette commercials. It looks like they have cut
back on the drinking ads here. However, I never
paid much attention to them as it is up to me if I
choose to do any of it. I have never gotten hooked
on anything. If you are against drinking all together
and think people who drink occassionally have a
drinking problem, that is your opinion. I never do
drink and drive anyway.
I am replying to you because if you are so against it,
you should do something about it then. Find out who
to complain to and do it. If you can get the booze
commercials off the air, more power to you. They
took the smoking ads off and people still smoke
though, don't they?

2007-12-08 08:00:25 · answer #4 · answered by Independent00 4 · 3 2

Why do people have to bring the government into all topics?
I am not a big Bush fan but ever since he brought up how he
did whiskey and coke, people bring it up all the time. It was
what he said he used to do. I am sure celebrities or other
people never drink or use drugs, right?
You can take the ads off dear but people will still drink.

2007-12-08 10:19:14 · answer #5 · answered by technician 5 · 1 1

Wow, you must really be bored, counting commercials. Maybe you need to get a life so you won't be tempted so much. I see commercials yet I do not drink booze.
DO you buy Ipods because of commercials, or Lego, or Viagra? You don't? I guess your premise is shot.

2007-12-08 08:42:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Why there's nothing wrong with drinking, or driving drunk,
OHHHH but let some one light a cigarette up and all h-ll breaks loose, ya They ought to put them out of business also, But our gov Officials are alcoholics,

2007-12-08 08:01:06 · answer #7 · answered by William B 7 · 1 3