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I always go
"Hi, are you guys hiring?"
but it seems so unprofessional to me.
any tips are welcome!

2007-12-07 17:33:55 · 3 answers · asked by leezaaa 3 in Local Businesses Other - Local Businesses

3 answers

Don't ask a salesperson about hiring, you want to speak with a manager. One option is to ask directly to speak with a manager and tell that person "I'd like to fill out an application, please" or "I was wondering if your store is hiring right now." Another option is to ask a salesperson for an application and then bring it back later (completed) and give it straight to a manager. Even if they say they are not hiring, ask them to keep it on file in case something opens up (most will offer to do this anyway).

2007-12-07 17:44:23 · answer #1 · answered by Rob 5 · 0 0

Rob's answer is right on! Always talk to a manager...or an assistant. If no one is available, ask when one will be and come back later. One important thing to remember - introduce yourself FIRST. "Hello, my name is ____," and a handshake is a great way to start. Show off those people skills because first impressions are key here. Also, dress nicely, no gum, crazy hair, etc. (that may sound completely obvious, but you'd be surprised:)

One small note about age: A lot of managers won't want to hire someone so young because they're worried about a lack of work ethic, so show how available, reliable, and mature you are. Say things like, "I know the malls are very busy on the weekends, and during the holidays, and I can be completely available to help out."

2007-12-07 19:53:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have to go the Human Resources Department and fill out an application for a job. Can you legally work at age 15 in your city? Ask your parents if you are allowed to work at 15.

2007-12-07 21:25:03 · answer #3 · answered by newyorkgal71 7 · 0 0