I don't, I jut use spell check a LOT.
2007-12-07 17:50:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The reason there is so much ado about spelling and grammar on here is because without the proper use of both, along with the proper punctuation, then it is often impossible to grasp what is truly being asked about in the question. If words are misused grammatically or spelled wrong, the level of communication and understanding can be lost. Also, it makes the asker of the question come across as either too young or too uneducated and opens the door to nasty comments and insults from those giving the answers. I have a standard I use for all things my father taught me a long time ago. It is that anything worth doing is worth doing well. If the question is worth the trouble of asking, then the proper communication provided by the correct spelling and grammar is also worth the trouble of doing. Anything less than that is not considered worth the effort. If you work harder to use proper grammar then you have half the battle won. You can use the spell checker for the proper spelling. Hang in there, sweetie!
2007-12-07 17:52:50
answer #2
answered by froggsfriend 5
I care because bad spelling and GRAMMAR are like an IQ test to me. Sometimes you see the same simple mistake over and over, like the misuse of a and an for example. Anyone who has been to the 1st grade learned the rules of this. It's also a lack of intelligence if you ignore the check spelling button. It also means in NO WAY was that person educated beyond high school, as no university on the planet would let someone in who can't use grammar or spell simple words.
I don't expect perfect spelling or grammar, but I expect the question to be intelligible. I use the spell check, and it often finds mistakes, either because I didn't know how to spell the word or it's a typo because I type really fast.
Bad spelling and grammar are like listening to someone talk incorrectly, it just annoys. Especially people who you know were provided an education but chose to focus on boys and cell phones instead. I don't think it's people's way of making themselves feel better about themselves by pointing it out, I think it's a way to say "Hey, why not focus on learning some grammar and English before you come on here and ask for advice about your trivial life."
And if your keyboard is broken, spare us until you get a new one, they're like $20.
2007-12-08 09:13:06
answer #3
answered by Leizl 6
Because whether it is in person on using a keyboard, how someone communicates with other people reflects on that person's intelligence. Someone with good grammar and vocabulary is often seen as smart and can offer good advice that people asking questions are looking for. Lazy abbreviations and stupid grammar mistakes make someone look dumb and who wants advice from a retard? No one, unless they are retarded too.
It's also really hard to understand what people are saying unless they can write well; and usually people who write poorly don't do so well in their careers cause writing and communicating are fundamental in any relevant job. So maybe if someone can't execute either correctly, perhaps they are not doing so well and no one would likely take their advice seriously.
2007-12-07 15:32:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because we can't understand what so many are saying when the grammar and spelling are so bad. I almost didn't understand the question. My advice would be to improve both. Not only will we be able to understand, but colleges aren't really wanting people who can't spell. Neither do most employers. My advice is to get some spelling books and learn to spell.
2007-12-07 15:29:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well you are either trying to ask a question or answer one. it's common courtesy if the person answering or asking the question understands what's being said. and i believe that we have been taught throughout school to use proper grammar and to spell things correctly. and when there is a spell check function, there should be no reason why spelling should be incorrect.
2007-12-07 15:37:56
answer #6
answered by thathockeychick23 6
'a lot' is 2 words.
Seriously though, it's some people's strong suits. Some people give info about marriage, some people give info about eating habits. Some people give info about spelling and grammar.
I don't find anything wrong with it. I appreciate it when someone gives me a tip.
There is a difference between a mistake and a type-o. And if you're making a mistake (like a lot of people on here spell "pragnate" .... or however they misspell it) ..... wouldn't you WANT to be corrected?
2007-12-07 15:27:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You can use Check Spelling on your answers, and some questions are so messed up in the Correct English department that it is impossible to make heads or tails of it.
2007-12-07 15:28:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It actually depends.. As long as you can understand what they are saying, there should be no problem..
But if you are talking like this: Gl, ou shuld ve een thre 2duy!
You will most likely get a lot of complaints!
Just in case, some people is trying to figure out what I was saying.
"Girl, you should've been there today!"
2007-12-07 15:33:44
answer #9
answered by Deniece 4
It makes you look lazy, uneducated, and its also hard to read. We should actually be able to report questions that are misspelled. Its really not that hard. You obviously have a lot of time on your hands so how about getting off Y!A and reading a grammar book or practicing keyboarding.
2007-12-08 02:14:14
answer #10
answered by JuteJute 2
It makes me self-huge conscious because of the fact i'm fairly fairly shy I only look back at them and that they look away I recommend it isn't any longer polite to stare and that i recommend what are they finding at? individuals are human beings only like them magnificent? i do no longer stare at human beings ( except i'm having a staring contest ) desire I helped.! :)
2016-11-14 01:14:47
answer #11
answered by deviny 4