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And you KNOW by now that this isn't homework.....Merely good, wholesome fun on YA.

1. Hmmmmm..... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
2. Barkeep!! A TALL,cold.....milk, please.
3. Well.... you're my last hope.
4. Come out of the pantry and listen to me, please.
5. At a loss for words, Sunshine looked at Matt and just __________.
6. Doc's nonchalance infuriated _________.
7. I'm shocked. And appalled.....Yet strangely interested.
8. Signed, sealed and delivered
9. I ain't THAT stupid.
10. Good eeeeeeeeeevening.

2007-12-07 10:50:13 · 7 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

7 answers

Sunshine woke up on a saterday morning under a table. she looked around and sighed as she relized were she was: a bar. "Hmmmmm... I dont think we're in Kansas anymore" she said to no one in particular. she got out from under the table and took off last nights lamp shade. Her best friend, Doc, was siting at the table shaking his head at her. "I'm shocked, appaled...Yet strangly interested" he said as she got onto a stool. "Barkeep, Come out of the pantry and listen to me, please" Said doc,
"good eeeeeeeeevening. said the barkeep,"er.. a.. morning."

2007-12-07 11:03:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1


Hmmmmm..... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
2. Barkeep!! A TALL,cold.....milk, please.
3. Well.... you're my last hope.
4. Come out of the pantry and listen to me, please.
5. At a loss for words, Sunshine looked at Matt and just __________.
6. Doc's nonchalance infuriated _________.
7. I'm shocked. And appalled.....Yet strangely interested.
8. Signed, sealed and delivered
9. I ain't THAT stupid.
10. Good eeeeeeeeeevening.

2007-12-07 10:53:15 · answer #2 · answered by Caroe12 2 · 0 5

good eeeeeeevening ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a little tale i enjoy telling. excuse me one minute. MOM!!!.....MOM!!!.would you please come out of the pantry and listen to me, please, i am not telling this story again tonight! sorry my moms a little loopy. anyways, so one night i go out with 2 of my friends Sunshine and Matt. Sunshine, by the way, is my 6'8" 375lb friend thats as dark as the ace of spades with a severe attitude problem hates being around people, hence the name "Sunshine". anyways, we meet up with our other friend "Doc" at this bar downtown called "Kansas", we're drinking and having a good time when out of nowhere Doc calls out to the bartender " yo!, Barkeep!! A TALL,cold.....milk, please, NOW!!!! With all of us at a loss for words, Sunshine looked at Matt and just started to do this dance, the most ridculous dance i have ever seen. apparently that song " Signed, sealed and delivered..." is his favorite song and he just couldn't contain himself. at that point this 5'9" beautiful brunnett walks up and starts dancing with him. this girl was so beautiful that i could'nt help but to think I'm shocked. And appalled.....Yet strangely interested, because i had never seen anything like this before, Sunshine dancing. and with a women, holy!! so out of nowhere Doc walks up to the girl and begins questtioning her about her dancing and such with Sunshine, now i wondered the the samethings but i was not about to break up Sunshines moment 'cause I ain't THAT stupid. and Doc's nonchalance infuriated him so much that he knocked him out cold. so the cops come arrest Sunshine,Matt and i take Doc back to my place to revive him. after about an hour and a half Doc comes to and asks what had happened. the only thing i could come up with to explain what had happened was "Hmmmmm..... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." so i tell him the story about what had occurred earlier when his cell phone rang. he says " that was Sunshine, could you believe he just said to me ' Well.... you're my last hope, please come down here and bail me out?" so we do what any friend would do... we hopped into Matt's Pinto and head down to get him. making for one of the most strangest of nights i have ever had.

2007-12-07 12:20:54 · answer #3 · answered by tajme5 3 · 1 0

A New Christmas Carol

It was only a few days before Christmas. Sunshine and Matt were sitting at their favorite window table at the Long Branch Saloon, when Ms. Kitty walked gracefully down the stairs and strode to the bar. 2." Barkeep!! A TALL,cold.....milk, please," Miss Kitty said loud enough for the whole saloon to hear. An audible gasp could be heard from the townsfolk gathered there followed by stunned silence.

5. At a loss for words, Sunshine looked at Matt and just bust out laughing, spray from her drink flying out of her nose. She just couldn't stop and finally Matt was laughing too, although he wasn't quite sure why. As they laughed, the piano player resumed playing and the normal sounds of the bar resumed, just like in one of those westerns you see at the picture show.

Miss Kitty heard Sunshine laughing and a dark scowl crossed her face. Turning to Doc who was enjoying a beer at the bar, Miss Kitty said “What’s up with that silly twit. Does she think everything in the world is done for her amusement?.” Doc did not want to get in the middle of anything between those two again. The last time he did, he wound up with a big knot on his leg where Sunshine accidentally kicked him when he tried to break them apart. “Matt’s probably acting funny, “he said. 6. Doc's nonchalance infuriated Kitty because everybody except her seemed to think Sunshine was just a slightly over exuberant woman instead of the b**** Kitty knew she was. 9. “I ain't THAT stupid Doc,” she said, “Matt’s a sweet man, buth he’s about as funny as a busted leg on his best day.”

Turning on her heels, Kitty headed for the table where Matt was helping Sunshine wipe off the table and cleaning the spittle off his badge. 10. “Good eeeeeeeeeevening” she said bowing slightly to Matt and totally ignoring Sunshine who was still coughing and sputtering. In her most regal manner, Miss Kitty asked Matt if she could have a word with him in the kitchen. Matt hadn’t seen Miss Kitty sober in years, but her manner reminded him of the lovely sophisticated woman she was when she first arrived in Dodge so, much to Sunshine’s dismay, Matt said “Why sure Miss Kitty, lead the way.” Taking Matt’s arm, Kitty gave a dismissing nod to Sunshine as she and Matt strode away arm in arm.

In the kitchen, Miss Kitty told him not to say a word. She just wanted to have her say, and that would be that. She told him how much she had loved him for all those years and that her drinking was mostly due to the fact that she knew he was enamored by Sunshine, and there didn’t seem to be anything she could do about it. I could tell that first day you met her that I had no chance with you, but I still loved you. Heck, I still do now.

She went on. “Now that I’m sober again, I must say that frankly 7. I'm shocked. And appalled.....Yet strangely interested…by your love for her. She seems so beneath you Matt.” But,, I can also see that your future with her is pretty much . 8. Signed, sealed and delivered.. I just wanted to let you know that I still love you, but won’t interfere anymore with you and that bi…woman. But please don’t expect me to friends with her.” I sobered up, because I am no ready to accept that I have no future with you. Good luck Matt.”

With that Miss Kitty kissed him lightly on the cheek and left the kitchen. Returning to the salon, she saw Sunshine standing outside the kitchen hands on her hips, toe tapping the floor, clearly fuming.” Using all her will power to ignore Sunshine and not make any smart remarks, Kitty crossed the room and walked over to Festus. Laughing she said, 3. “Well.... you're my last hope for love in this town cowboy. Why don’t you buy me a sassparilla.” Festus laughed too, knowing she was only kidding, but not about the sassparilla, and thought to himself. 1. “Hmmmmm..... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.”

And that was the day Miss Kitty began to become a respected member of the Dodge City community once again, much as Mr. Scrooge did at about the same time of year in his home town so many years ago. Perhaps the ghosts of Christmases past, present, and yet too come, are still plying their craft around the world. I for one hope so

2007-12-07 11:33:22 · answer #4 · answered by ghouly05 7 · 0 0

"Wanna earn a degree in covert evasion techniques ?" "That is so low on our priority scale right now. We've got the FBI on our tail!!! I am NOT leaving this hot tub.....Unless of course I run out of Whiskey Sour." " I got what they call ......... A jackpot of anxieties. I ain't takin' no jive from no ___________!" "Can you see it?! Can you see it?! " "Hmmmm......... an unconscious person. He may be weird, but.....I think he's brilliant!" LOL I don't know... just copied and pasted...LOL

2016-05-22 01:57:43 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

**"Hmmm... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"**, said Sunshine the witch looking at her trusty mate Matt. You must know that witches usually don't look as ugly, big-nosed old spinster, and Sunshine was actually a petite and lovely redhead, the one you can find at high school, too cute to get never noticed, to shy to get along. She turned to witchcraft as another gal would turn to cheerleading, or ballet, and Matt, her lifelong friend, was sucked into. You know, a shy red-head could give you lots of good reasons to follow her.
And now they were lost. "Aren't we going to the friggin' Oz?", said Matt. Sunshine pouted, biting nervously her lower lip. "Look, a bar!" "And if it's another mirage? I don't remember there was deserts in kansas!" "Shut up you silly! Kansas is the only thing you can think at?" "I'm walking from hours, and I wont do another step. But if you can convince me.." "Magic of Earth, teleport us!" Sunshine giggled, then they got to the bar. She shouted out loud **"Barkeep!! A TALL,cold.....milk, please" "What?!?", said Matt... "Excuse me... a huge glass of of cold milk. I'm a klutz for work, I can never guess 'em right" "But, if you can't teleport, why we cannot go home?" "It's a mystical travel, and I'm too hungry. After my milk, I'll gather enough strengh to teleport somewhere where we can get informations". Matt looked at her "You're very lucky, because i l love you too much to object". Sunshine blushed, pretending suprise. "Do you really meant I'm so important to you? Oh, Matt... I'd never...", she said with a faux cute accent leaning on Matt, her face so close to his to draw a gust of his breath. "No, no, no!", said the guy blushing and trying to avoid kissing the redheaded gal "*Well... you're my last hope.** To get home. In kansas. We have homeworks to do!". Sunshine drank her milk, her face twisted in a scorned, depressed expression "Yes, I'll relieve you of my presence. Magic of Earth! Help me your servant in giving Matt what he wishes!" Matt, trying to to be cute, hugged her friend "No, don't get it wrong! I'm not ready to ... well.. but if you just talked less and brought me home..." "Yeah, yeah... but... I'm still here?" "I never wanted you to go.." "But...but..." Sunshine just looked at Matt, her mouth moving slightly... "Sunshine? It's the time of giving me the silent treatment?" **At a loss for words, Sunshine looked at Matt and just slapped him in the face, red with anger. Then she ran in a small cabinet, closing it. The bar magically dispelled, but the room stayed... "Sunny! Sunny? **Come out of the pantry and listen to me, please.**" A little piece of paper was passed under the door. It was written.. ."I cannot teleport you home. And I'll need a magical doc. I just.. well, YOU JUST WISHED MY VOICE AWAY!" "But Sunny, you can always wish it back!" Sunshine opened the door, pointing her mouth, and miming to talk with nonchalance. Then, she made a depressed expression, grabbed a notebook from her little purse and wrote again "My momma can do spells with her mind. My sis can. I can't. I need my voice to do magic, and magic to get it back" "So we'll stay here? No more Kansas?" Sunshine looked him, her blue eyes glowing with anger.They walked the whole night, and fortunately they find a doctor. Sunshine felt very relieved, she was at the last two sheets of paper. "Say thirty-three, tart", said the doc. Sunshine just looked... "Hey Doc", said Matt "Could she sign it? She's getting pretty good at..." Sunshine kicked the guy in the knee with a devilish expression... "Good reflexes my boy!", said him. **Doc's nonchalance infuriated the witch**, who hammered the examination bed with her hands "Oh, yes... your voice **I'm shocked. And appalled.....Yet strangely interested** How could a witch of the third grade make such mistakes of a... kindergarten witch?" "I ain't THAT stupid", mouthed Sunshine. "Yes you are," said the doctor. "Since you gave yourself your curse, now you're dumb as a bell, and such you'll stay..." "Don't call her dumb! It's impolite! She has a speech impairment, ya know...", tried to say Matt before Sunshine kicked her groin with some satisfaction... "Until you'll get a kiss out of love". Sunshine got pale, then she dressed herself and got out. "Sunny! Sunny! Wait out, Sunny!", shouted Matt. Sunshine wiped a tear, then sat in the sand, writing "I guess you'll have to go Kansas by feet" "But Sunny, you're... magicless now" "And so? What I'm supposed to do tomorrow, mime the first 50s presidents?" Matt hugged her... "Speechless or not, you'll always have a bit of magic on me". Sunshine was tempted to kiss him... and a warm, fuzzy heat invaded her throat... "Magic of Earth, let him forget anything!", giggled happily.

**"Hmmm... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"**, said Sunshine the witch looking at her trusty mate Matt. You must know that witches usually don't look as ugly, big-nosed old spinster, and Sunshine was actually a petite and lovely redhead, the one you can find at high school, too cute to get never noticed, to shy to get along, but smart enough to warm with the right guy... without letting him take advantages out of him. "Aren't we going to the friggin' Oz", said Matt. "Maybe yes, maybe not", smiled Sunshine. "Do you want a TALL, cold... milk and a little kiss?"

2007-12-07 11:31:10 · answer #6 · answered by qzmaster591 5 · 1 1


2007-12-07 10:53:16 · answer #7 · answered by Dad 6 · 0 4

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