Positive effects - doing away with outmoded customs such as suttee and the killing of infant girls. Improvement of agriculture. with better methods generally and irrigation by canals in particular. Construction of roads and railways. Keeping the princes in the 'Native States' under control and dissuading them from behaving badly towards their subjects. The Indian Civil Service, the patterns of which were adopted on independence for the Indian Administrative Service. Better education.
Negative effects. Treating the local inhabitants as second class citizens, viewing them as 'children'. Missionaries who upset the status quo (they were disliked by the British administration)
2007-12-06 06:09:41
answer #1
answered by rdenig_male 7
in case you ever took precalculus or another math classification which covers properties of purposes, you undemanding approaches to ensure the area of the function. between the crimson flags to look out for is once you divide by ability of 0. on your expression, whilst x = 3, the denominator is 0. subsequently, the area is each variety beside 3. regrettably, the variety you're attempting to plug in (x = 3) is the only variety that would not artwork in this function. to work out this well-known hand, you0 can graph this function on a TI-80 3. in case you zoom in near to the graph at x = 3, you will see that there is a sparkling spot there! it somewhat is via the fact, as stated above, there only isn't a value of the expression at x = 3. you may say, nicely it sounds like the respond would desire to be 6, finding on the graph. this concept-approximately what the respond "would desire to be" is what limits are all approximately. The values of the function on the left and magnificent of x = 3 all go in the direction of 6 as you get closer and closer. So we are saying the shrink as x is going to 3 is 6. So besides the undeniable fact that it isn't any longer technically the respond, 6 is your ultimate determination. 0 won't in any respect be suitable in any sense. the very ultimate answer is to declare that the expression is undefined at x = 3. This project illustrates why 0/0 is named indeterminate. in this project, 0/0 in a fashion equals 6. the thought 0/0 can equivalent something is easily the essence of calculus.
2016-11-13 20:57:11
answer #2
answered by ? 4