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Three of my favorite shows take place in Las Vegas. Can anyone tell me if and when they actually do the fliming. The shows are "CSI", "Las Vegas", and Criss Angel Mindfreak. I heard that the only one that is actually done in Vegas is Mindfreak.

2007-12-06 03:57:33 · 4 answers · asked by Raymus 2 in Travel United States Las Vegas

4 answers

"Las Vegas" is filmed on a soundstage in LA.

"CSI" is mostly filmed in Santa Clarita, California which is outside of LA, but they do SOME filming in Vegas. Most of the exterior shots are "stock" shots = meaning, they're shot in bulk and edited in where needed.

I don't know much about Mindfreak, but I do believe it's filmed in Vegas.

2007-12-06 10:13:44 · answer #1 · answered by zippythejessi 7 · 0 0

My friend was on Mindfreak, so I know that one is, yes. On the special features of CSI DVD's, they said only the opening shots are done in Vegas cause they have to be, the rest are done in California. Boo. lol

2007-12-09 17:05:53 · answer #2 · answered by principessa_510 3 · 0 0

NBC vegas is shot in a studio and some live shots out here.
CSI is not where near this town. They always have rain soaked streets// On 11-30 it rained. The other time it rained was in July.
So, that show is shot on some studio set.
The CSI people in LV and Henderson are all fat when I see them.
So, it is not too accurate. THE stars are too pretty to be real cops.

2007-12-06 07:05:33 · answer #3 · answered by Michael M 7 · 1 0

Don't forget Inked, filmed at Hart & Huntington tattoo parlor in the Palms.

2007-12-06 04:40:11 · answer #4 · answered by Lee 7 · 0 0