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And you KNOW this isn't homework....right?


2007-12-06 01:50:26 · 22 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay


2007-12-06 01:56:31 · update #1

►► And this one:


2007-12-06 02:28:33 · update #2

22 answers

I have worked in this HOSPITAL for a long time. I still can't believe Nurse MCDREAM is still here. That's not her real name of course. I just call her that because she has a real problem with CONCENTRATION. She often forgets who is supposed to get what medicine. I try to keep an eye on her and so far she hasn't done anything too bad. Not like that NUTCASE OF A NURSE, Nurse Hoolihan. She's the one who came running down the hall yelling SECURITY! SECURITY! a few months back claiming one of the patients had attacked her. Only problem was that the patient was comatose a the time. Nurse Hoolihan disappeared for a while, but returned about a week ago. She still seems IN A DAZE to me, but somebody let her come back.

I'm off to make my rounds now; well not really rounds...just checking on those two. They're working the same floor tonight (Who's ideas was that?) and I just know if I don't watch out one of them is going to do something that will be IN THE HEADLINES THE NEXT DAY. See ya later.

2007-12-06 04:36:54 · answer #1 · answered by ghouly05 7 · 1 0

The hospital was the property of Mr Mcdreamy he had escaped from a concentration camp during the second world war he had many doctors working for him but if you wanted to work for him and be a nurse you had to be a nutcase of a nurse who would shout Security! Security! continually all day long ,the patients often walked around in a daze wondering what all the noise was about ,the patients soon found out cause in the headlines the next day it was reported the Mr Mcdreamy was in fact an alien doing experiments on patients . Well i never

2007-12-06 02:07:22 · answer #2 · answered by Mea 5 · 1 0

There was a hospital, similar to the once in Gray's Anatomy, where Doctor McDreamy worked. Some of the patients required a lot of concentration, as they weren't exactly 'normal'. Everything was going smoothly when a crazy lady, turned out to be a nutcase of a nurse, ran through the corridor shouting 'Security! Security!' whilst being followed by an old man who appeared to be in a daze, as well as naked, whilst moaning about the war and holding an umbrella. There was uproar when in the headlines the next day it said "'Umbrella - ella- ella- eh' the nurse and OAP!"

2007-12-06 01:56:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A tall man walked into a hospital one day. Someone recognized him as a man only known as Mcdreamy. Another man stared with great concentration to see where he had recognized him from. He then realized he was a nutcase of a nurse from another hospital who had tried to injure patients. The men yelled, Security! Security! Mcdreamy then made a run for the exit but was struck hard in the head by another man. Mcdreamy got up in a daze to find himself in handcuffs and being hauled off to jail. The entire incident was in the headlines the next day.

How's that for a story. lol

2007-12-06 01:56:17 · answer #4 · answered by GoldenHaze 3 · 1 0

How short of a story?

"Amanda closed the door to her red Mazda, thinking of last night's TV programs as she headed for the house. It bothered her sometimes to think of how realistic the HOSPITAL in Grey's Anatomy was portrayed, while at the same time the writers produced so much drama creating characters like MCDREAMY. She had to wonder - did things like the events on the show actually happen in real hospitals? Did things really-
"CONCENTRATION!" She said to herself, as her keys slipped from her fingers. It was freezing outside, and she couldn't get the key to fit the lock to her house. As she finally got in, her mind wandered back to the events of the week past - driving to the mall, the shooting, the NUTCASE OF A NURSE who had accidentally knocked over her bedside tray and started shouting at a nearby orderly, probably from all the holiday rush stress. It was weird, the things that stuck out so clearly in her memory. she gingerly touched the wrapping around her left arm, seeing vividly in her mind the man in the ski mask running towards her on the escalator as he looked over his shoulder, running from the mall cops. She could vaguely hear an alarm going off, and someone was shouting "SECURITY! SECURITY!"
There had been a horrifying sensation of falling, a moment of pain, then darkness.
When she awoke, she was at the hospital - one not to different from the one on Grey's Anatomy, though the doctor standing near her bed was no McDreamy. He explained that she had been knocked all the way down the escalator, and she listened IN A DAZE as he described the bruised ribs, her broken arm, the hit she took to the head, and how close she had come to being paralyzed from the neck down, .
The attempted shooting made it IN THE HEADLINES THE NEXT DAY, but she got nothing more than the lightest mention - "one injured."
She sighed, smiled, and supposed it could have been worst.
In any case, the gifts she had purchased had made it through the ordeal just fine, and there would be presents for her family this year - not to mention that she'd be there to celebrate it with them.
Amanda turned on the TV, sat down, and started to wrap her gifts."

2007-12-06 02:10:35 · answer #5 · answered by InsomniaSAH 2 · 2 0

You never expect things to happen, They just do. I was at the HOSPITAL waiting for my results. I was sitting in the lobby when a doctor walked passed. I remember a small shiny name tag nearly blinding me from the reflection. I believe now that I am thinking about it, the name on it was MCDREAMY... or something like that. It threw off my CONCENTRATION counting the numerous tiles on the wall. Yes, now that I think about, I know who he was. He was talking to that NUTCASE OF A NURSE. What a b*tch. You could just tell that she didn't want to be there that night. Just blowing people off handing them endless paperwork to feel out. If it wasn't for the man who robbed the vending machine in the lobby, She would have finished her conversation with him. Instead she used the her crappy voice Yelling, " SECURITY! SECURITY!" I didn't pay much attention after that. I think I was all messed up from the drugs they had given me that night. I was WAS IN A DAZE, to really understand what was really happening.

The next morning, I was walking downtown where everything is unusually quite. Infact there was oneone on the streets. no one was in there cars rushing to get on the free way just to get stuck in traffic. It extremly quiet. I couldn't figure it out until I seen IN THE HEADLINES THE NEXT DAY that a man was shot and kill in the local hospital by a man which appeared to rob a vending machine. The doctors say the man was in a rare state of mind. He was shot in the head by accident. The robber was really aiming for the nurse yelling, and tripped on a chair shooting a man instead.
At the bottom of the page I saw it. It was the picture of the man who was shot and killed. That picture... that man... Its me.

2007-12-06 02:58:03 · answer #6 · answered by soldierb 2 · 1 0

My name is Dermot McDreamy. One day as I walked down the road I lost concentration and was ran over by nut case of a nurse in her car. An shopper just leaving the store next to where I was ran over immediately shouted "Security Security" to the security guard who intern contacted the police and ambulance. I was in a daze but made a full recovery and was amazed I even made it in the headlines the next day of the local paper.


2007-12-06 01:55:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

After being admitted to hospital the sexy brunette clapped eyeys on McDreamy he was the Doctor all the nurses had been talking about. McDreamy asked the nurse to dress my would but she lost all concentration as the nutcase of a nurse bandage my foot instead of my arm. McDreamy began to take my temperature and do my obs as the Nutcase of a Nurse became jealous so she tried to choke me and McDreamy began to shoudl Security! Security! to stop her from killing me. When security came Nutcase of a nurse was in a daze as she could not remember what she had done. In the headlines the next day it read Syco Nurse tries to strangle patient as she proposes to McDreamy.

2007-12-06 01:55:33 · answer #8 · answered by Daisy 5 · 2 0

One morning Adam woke up hearing the screams of his younger brother in the garden, he rushed outside to find his brother had fallen off the swing and had cut his head open rather badly, Adam rushed around to his neighbours house 'Mr Mcdreamys' who immediately rushes Adam and his younger brother Ben to the nearest Hospital.
Mr Mcdreamy, Adam and Ben had been waiting at the hospital for ages reading books and drawing to keep Ben concentrating on something other that his head. There was nurse behind the reception desk making all sorts of noises and screaming strange words at patients. Ben whispers to his brother, I dont want that nutcase of a nurse to look at me.
All of a sudden theres a loud screeching noise and patients running around screaming SECURITY SECURITY, Adam went to investigate and found a car parked in the front of Casulty and a man refusing to reverse to allow a nearby ambulance to enter the fore court. By the time adam and ben had seen the doctors and stiched Bens head up with the all clear the curfuffal had been sorted. The following morning Adam gets woken again by his brother but no from hurting himself from jumping on his bed with that mornings paper, where the front page dominated the craziness at the hospital the following evening!! Or something like that any how!!

2007-12-06 02:08:51 · answer #9 · answered by little kitty 3 · 0 0

Once upon a time there was a young lady working in a HOSPITAL, her name was MCDREAMY and she kept losing her CONCENTRATION. This NUTCASE OF A NURSE began to run down the halls hollering SECURITY! SECURITY! and when they finally caught up with her she was IN A DAZE from running such along time. What? You don't believe me?! Well, it was IN THE HEADLINES THE NEXT DAY.

2007-12-06 02:11:31 · answer #10 · answered by manoman 4 · 1 0

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