Gold, (symbol Au) has an atomic number of 79 i.e. each gold atom has 79 protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of the gold atom is 196.967 and the atomic radius is 0.1442nm. Interestingly this is smaller than would be predicted by theory. The arrangement of outer electrons around the gold nucleus is based on 14 4f shell electrons, 10 5d shell electrons and a single 6s shell electron.
Whilst the number of protons in a gold nucleus is fixed at 79, the number of neutrons can vary from one atom to another giving a number of isotopes of gold. However, there is only one stable non-radioactive isotope accounting for all naturally found gold.
2007-12-06 00:28:41
answer #1
answered by the_lipsiot 7
In chemistry and physics, an atom (Greek ?????? or átomos which capability "indivisible") is the smallest particle nonetheless characterizing a chemical element.[2] (átomos is commonly translated as "indivisible" or "uncuttable." till the creation of quantum mechanics, dividing a textile merchandise replaced into continuously equated with reducing it.) while the word atom initially denoted a particle which could no longer be decrease into smaller debris, the atoms of recent parlance are composed of subatomic debris: electrons, that have a destructive charge, a length that's so small as to be presently unmeasurable, and that are the least heavy (i.e., massive) of the three; protons, that have a favorable charge, and are approximately 1836 instances extra massive than electrons; and neutrons, that have not any charge, and are the comparable length as protons. Protons and neutrons make up a dense, massive atomic nucleus, and are jointly referred to as nucleons. The electrons sort the plenty better electron cloud surrounding the nucleus. Atoms can selection interior the style of each and every of the subatomic debris they contain. Atoms of the comparable element have the comparable style of protons (referred to as the atomic selection). interior of a unmarried element, the style of neutrons would selection, determining the isotope of that element. The style of electrons linked with an atom is maximum basically replaced, simply by diminish power of binding of electrons. The style of protons (and neutrons) interior the atomic nucleus could additionally exchange, via utilising nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, bombardment via intense power subatomic debris or photons, or particular (yet no longer all) forms of radioactive decay. In such techniques which exchange the style of protons in a nucleus, the atom will become an atom of a diverse chemical element. Atoms are electrically independent in the event that they have an equivalent style of protons and electrons. Atoms that have the two a deficit or a surplus of electrons are referred to as ions. Electrons that are furthest from the nucleus may be transferred to different interior of reach atoms or shared between atoms. via this mechanism atoms are able to bond into molecules and different forms of chemicals like ionic and covalent community crystals. Atoms are the easy development blocks of chemistry, and are conserved in chemical reactions.
2016-12-30 09:50:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
gold as an atomic number of 79. this means that an atom of gold has 79 protons.
The number of electrons are 79 if gold is not in ionic form . Else you should have less electrons since gold has often the charge +2,having 79-2 =77 electrons.
Fro the number of neutrons , there are 18 isotopes of gold. the stable isotpe having 197-79 =118 neutrons
2007-12-06 00:41:25
answer #3
answered by maussy 7
Check the periodic table. Proton No. = Electron No.
2007-12-06 00:25:01
answer #4
answered by jollypig 3
the number of protons and electrons is 79. the number of neutrons is 158.
2007-12-06 00:28:40
answer #5
answered by wwesmackdown04 2
33 protons and electrons
30 newtrons
2007-12-06 00:27:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous