I currently have an online portfolio, and have a dump folder full of pictures. Instead of making a gallery page for each picture- is there a script I could install to make viewing the original folder as a thumbnail gallery? Or have a php script that automatically makes a page for the image, and re-writes a main directory?
I'm currently using FTPgetter to syncronize my picture folder on my desktop with the picture folder in my FTP, so I don't really want to be bothered with making an actual gallery. I'm all for complete automization.
I think you should be able to make a php script to do this, as you've said. If you don't know php yourself, you can learn how to do it from books you get at the library, or you can contract this part of your website out to a programmer.
function resizeImage($originalImage,$toWidth,$toHeight){
// Get the original geometry and calculate scales
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($originalImage);
// Recalculate new size with default ratio
if ($yscale>$xscale){
$new_width = round($width * (1/$yscale));
$new_height = round($height * (1/$yscale));
else {
$new_width = round($width * (1/$xscale));
$new_height = round($height * (1/$xscale));
// Resize the original image
$imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
$imageTmp = imagecreatefromjpeg ($originalImage);
imagecopyresampled($imageResized, $imageTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
return $imageResized;
function generateThumbnails(){
global $thmb_width,$thmb_height;
// Open the actual directory
if ($handle = opendir(".")) {
// Read all file from the actual directory
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
// Check whether tha actual item is a valid file
if (is_file($file)){
// Check whether the actual image is a thumbnail
if (strpos($file,'_th.jpg')){
$isThumb = true;
} else {
$isThumb = false;
if (!$isThumb) {
// Process the file string
$dirName = substr($file,0,strpos($file,basename($file)));
if (strlen($dirName) < 1) $dirName = '.';
$fileName = basename($file);
$fileMain = substr($fileName,0,strrpos($fileName,'.'));
$extName = substr($fileName,strrpos($fileName,'.'),
// Check if the actual file is a jpeg image
if (($extName == '.jpg') || ($extName == '.jpeg')){
$thmbFile = $dirName.'/'.$fileMain.'_th.jpg';
// If a thumbnail dosn't exists tahn create a new one
if (!file_exists($thmbFile)){
function getNormalImage($file){
$base = substr($file,0,strrpos($file,'_th.jpg'));
if (file_exists($base.'.jpg')) return $base.'.jpg';
elseif (file_exists($base.'.jpeg')) return $base.'.jpeg';
else return "";
function displayPhotos(){
global $columns;
$act = 0;
// Open the actual directory
if ($handle = opendir(".")) {
// Read all file from the actual directory
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
// Check whether tha actual item is a valid file
if (is_file($file)){
// Check whether the actual image is a thumbnail
if (strpos($file,'_th.jpg')){
if ($act > $columns) {
echo '