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2007-12-03 06:01:37 · 1 answers · asked by john s 1 in Local Businesses United States Boston

1 answers

From the US EPA's Waste Site Cleanup & Reuse in New England:

"The GTE Sylvania (GTE) property (property) is located at 71 Loring Avenue in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. The 32-acre property is identified as Lot 20 on the Town of Salem Tax Assessor’s Map Number 31. An inactive manufacturing facility is located on 18 acres in the northwestern portion of the property. A closed glass landfill occupies 8 acres located southeast of, and adjacent to, the manufacturing facility, and a tidal wetland occupies the remaining 6 acres. The property is bordered to the east/northeast by a railroad easement; to the north and west by Loring Avenue; and to the south/southeast by residential buildings and a tidal estuary."

There is a map showing the site location using the second link.

2007-12-03 12:37:44 · answer #1 · answered by Beach Saint 7 · 0 0