Dont believe everything you read. People try to make all sorts of excuses for causes of illness. Just like the many many cancer excuses, like wearing cotton gives you skin cancer. They think if they say it enough times people will believe it.
Theyre pulling your leg.
If anything masturbating is a good way of releaving stress.
Extreme temperatures can effect your sperm, so unless your trying to get someone pregnant, in which case you wouldnt be doing it yourself, you'll be fine. When the time comes sperm takes up to 6months to regenerate.
2007-12-02 23:40:56
answer #1
answered by Mel 7
This website should help a little bit. No one has ever went blind from masturbating. No I have never heard of anyone getting prostate cancer from masturbating in the shower. Prostate cancer is more hereditary than anything.
2007-12-03 05:08:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
who the hell said it will make u blind? I never heard of it and there is no scientific fact behind it. Almost everyone masterbate in this world, and none has ever gone blind due to masterbation, its pure crap and misguiding people.
Instead, its a good thing, because u can release ur tension by masterbating, and relaxes u by urself. it keeps u away from straying around the prostitutes or keep away from dieseases such as HIV or AIDS because u r not involving with another partner. I still dont understand who wll say things like that u go blind by masterbation.
2007-12-02 23:46:05
answer #3
answered by Believer 2
No you won't go blind (although if you squint your eyes up during orgasm you might get wrinkly eyes).
The prostrate has nothing to do with the penis so such exposure would not cause cancer (although a cold scrotum might lower your ability to produce sperm for a short time).
If you really didn't know this then maybe it is time to get some info on your sexual health and well being.
2007-12-02 23:40:13
answer #4
answered by costa 4
and NO again to all the rest.
Why is it that when young people first start becoming sexually active they listen to all the nonsense from other kids....who really don't know any more real facts about sex then they do....instead of asking an adult? Or looking it up on-line or the library?
Listen, Sweetie, I had sex ed classes in high school but I still didn't know most of the extra facts about sex until I was married & in my 20s. Those classes only cover the basics and most of what your teen friends know is just plain silly.
When my husband & I first got married... we used to exchange stories about what sex info our friends had told us in our teens and we would laugh & laugh that we ever believed some of it.
Some day you will too. In the meantime...if you want the truth, ask an intelligent adult (one you feel comfortable talking with about sex with) or go to the library or use your search engine.
2007-12-02 23:57:40
answer #5
answered by Kaye 6
That's not true!
That's just something prude old women tell children so that they don't show an interest in their bodies!
Trust me, you will never EVER go blind masturbating. If it were true why aren't more people blind?
Also, that thing about the cold is untrue too.
Don't worry!
2007-12-02 23:39:58
answer #6
answered by Senseless acts of beauty 3
honey, all those rumours are nothing but horror stories invented by priests and monks and nuns.
they are nonsense, there is no medical evidence to masturbation causing blindness, cancer, infertility or anything else. THIS IST JUST A CULTURAL TRICK!!!
in other cultures, sex is a normal part of life, in Christianity, it is something dirty.
2007-12-02 23:43:13
answer #7
answered by Nova 6
Whoever sited blindness in this venue was only joking. As for exposing your penis to cold temperatures, keep it in your pants when you're outside in winter. It won't effect your prostate, but you may freeze your pecker. Masturbation is not generally harmful.
2007-12-02 23:40:51
answer #8
answered by TatersPop 5
lol of course not! I've been waxing my carrot for forty years now. But remember to use cream, its getting a lot of abuse. If you like the leathery feel of your tool disregard the cream. I've noticed some fuzz, or what appears to be hair on my palms lately though, but a good depilatory helps with that, in a way it's good as winter is here. Happy cranking!
2007-12-02 23:46:15
answer #9
answered by djb 2
The doctors say it doesn't cause blindness... and I can vouch with personal experience! I've masturbated many thousands of times without any trouble with my vision.
2007-12-02 23:40:51
answer #10
answered by Doxycycline 6