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im 15, yes i kno u may think im stupid but this is what i wanted && still do. my dad will prolly cry. nvm he will. he will not lik me @ all HOW DO I TELL HIM, && should my babies daddy b there when i tell my dad???

2007-12-02 09:50:21 · 25 answers · asked by Nicole7573 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

i can take care of the baby me && my babies daddy MONEY IS NOT A PROBLEM

2007-12-02 09:57:58 · update #1


2007-12-02 14:40:26 · update #2

Abortion+Me=HELL NO, we will b able to take care of it. this is hard for us to talk bout so plzz no negative comments.

2007-12-05 23:21:54 · update #3

Baby's daddy makes 15 dollars an hour.

2007-12-05 23:22:41 · update #4

My dad wont kill him i kno because he would be the only one that will help i jus cant live under his roof. he wont b happy though, but he wont kill him

2007-12-05 23:25:25 · update #5

25 answers

tell your dad that it was your chose and you can take care of the baby and you won't need any money that you got the money you need. yes the baby's daddy needs to be there.

2007-12-02 10:07:26 · answer #1 · answered by Krystal 2 · 1 1

You are only 15 girl! holy ****... Get the baby ****** aborted. Its not the matter of telling your father, but having a baby comes with way too much for a 15 year old to handle. Dont tell me you are mature or your 17 yr old boy friend can support the baby because no way in hell you can. If you do... You are going to have to work at some Fast food restraunt for the rest of your life! You both will probably drop out of High School. Without highschool diploma, you will be classified as retards and finding an OK job will be impossible. DO YOU Want to work for 60 hours a week and live in a shack for the rest of your life?? You think the baby will be happy? Do you think that you can live a normal life or fun one? **** NO!!! give the baby away or get it aborted... If you choose to keep the baby Good Luck. But i already know you will be ****** if you do

2007-12-05 20:13:06 · answer #2 · answered by staepuff 2 · 0 0

It's not stupid that you're pregnant at 15 however what is about to be before you will change your life. First of all your fifteen, when you present this issue to him, he is not going to want to see the baby's father. You should really reconsider your decision to have the baby. You still have high school, and what about college, how will you and the father care and provide for the baby, have you considered that. If not, this is what you will have to look forward to: you will really have to manage you time wisely, you haven't had a chance to enjoy being a teenager, no more parties, no more of doing what you want to do because your first priority will be the baby. If you want to take in a movie, you might have to take the baby with you, who will babysit? Your father is not going to babysit. If the baby's father is young like yourself and not working who will take care of finances while you are pregnant and after?

There are a lot of unanswered questions you should consider before you tell your dad, because it is those questions that he will be asking you. I don't know your father but I would try and persuade you to change your mind, there would be so much you miss out on as a teenager. Teenage years are the years that developer you into an adult, how do you know what you want to do in life at only 15 years old, let alone have a baby, IT'S TOO SOON.

2007-12-02 10:12:48 · answer #3 · answered by Unsure 1 · 3 1

Thats great!Is your baby's dad going to marry you or just shack you?
Where do you and your baby's dad work at?
You are both able to support yourselves and this child right?
I mean the baby's dad doesnt live with his parents and has his own transportation job and place to live right?
Of course no more partying or going out with your firends, taking care of a baby is a 24-7 job!YOU will have to set an example for your child to follow , and its daddy will have to do the same.
Tell your dad, he is probably the ONLY one who can help you now that you have made a mess of your life.Youre going to find a baby is not a puppy that you pass around for a while for everyone to "ooh and ahhh" over and then tie up in the back yard on a chain and feed and water once a day while you do your own thing.

2007-12-02 09:58:49 · answer #4 · answered by Joe F 7 · 1 1

Wo! I am thinking he is already thinking something is going on.This is so hard to answer not knowing your Dad.I am assuming there isn't a Mom around to talk to first.If you still want to be with the boy and he loves you and can handle whatever your Dad says.I would think he should be there since he is just as much a part of it as you are.
There want be any good time to wait for to tell him.Just pick an evening and come to him and say Dad we need to talk to you and we know this isn't going to make you happy but there is nothing that we would do to change what we are going to tell you.
P>S>*You say the Dad has money.Then he must be over 18 that would be RAPE

2007-12-02 09:59:45 · answer #5 · answered by jean t 3 · 0 1

how is money not a problem??? or are you talking about daddys money?
You can tell yourself you wanted to have a baby all you want, but I ain't buying it. You have no freakin clue.
and....your baby daddy isn't gonna stick around for more than a year or two TOPS so it doesn't matter if he's with you or not

2007-12-02 11:15:34 · answer #6 · answered by Kmmv 5 · 1 0

What you really want to do is develop a plan. One of the scariest blows to look at here is the financial side, so let me help with that.

Is there a way to keep this baby and have your parents raise it (see how I just phrased that) while you finish school? Yes. But it's going to be a lot of work. It will also be a big financial strain on them. It's going to be a major time investment for them.

According to an article I found, the cost of raising a baby is about $10,000 a year. That seems a little low (and the article I read even agreed), considering that diapers and food probably is about 1/10 of that. Never mind the cost of insurance, health care, or toys,

As far as things you'll need to get started, you figure the cost of a crib, baby carriage, play pen, toys. Let's just look at the cheaper stuff, as I'm sure your job as a high school student hasn't quite brought in the "big bucks" yet. I'm basing all my prices off babysrus.com. Feel free to do your own shopping in case you want to find better deals.

High Chair: Evenflow has a decent one for only $60

I don't know how ancient people had babies without an electric swing. $65

A few lounge pillows may be ok: about $90

Car seat? About $100

I found a stroller I really think is cool on babysrus.com It runs about $100, much cheaper than most.

Play Pen? A portable one is probably best. After all, you'll want to go out. Right? Can get a cheap one for about another $100.

Bouncer runs about $50.

There's a newborn bottle starter kit made by Philips. It runs $30 and includes 2 bottles and even 2 pacifiers.

Enough burp cloths to get you started: Minor cost. About $25 if you shop around.

An inexpensive changing table runs about $100. I would go for something a little more. You can get some with drawers for about $160. Trust me...last place you want to be reaching for something out of the way is when you've got a baby on the table and you're trying to wipe off poop while he's moving around - all the while leaving you on edge so he doesn't fall off OR pee in your face.

Where's the baby going to sleep? A portable crib I found on the site is only $80. It's not a GREAT crib, but it is portable. Kind of ugly though.

I just threw in 4 random baby crib toys. I didn't calculate it exactly, but I think it was around $60. Of course, you'll want more toys than just 4.

I found a bedding set- Classic Mickey Mouse - for $280. After all, he needs pillows and stuff...right?

Where are you going to rock the baby? Figure about $170 for a glider chair.

Now, unless you want your baby to stink (and who does?) be sure to give him or her a bath. You can get a bath seat for about $20.

I added a few bath toys. Nothing really expensive. $20 worth. I'm a nice guy.

I added the items I mentioned to you to my babies r us shopping cart. Right now, I am at $1636.23.

Realize, of course, that you have no diapers, formula, or personal care items (shampoo, comb/brush, etc.). This obviously does not factor in the cost of daycare (about $4200 a year, or $350 a month). Diapers? About $80-$130 a month.

For cost of feeding, I would go with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding pumps only run about another $150 so you have food for the child while you are at school or work. That's about only a month's worth of formula, so it's a good investment.

So figure out a plan to pay for all this stuff. How much you'll need to make in a month. Then find a job doing a paper route (I'm assuming state law where you are is the same in Ohio - where your jobs are VERY limited until you're 16). Better yet, get a LOT of paper routes. See how many jobs you'll need at your age and qualifications to make that much money per month.

Don't spend ANY of the money you make unless it's for the baby.

The next thing you do is form a time plan where it shows how you will be working, taking care of the child, and finishing your school. After all, school is even more important now than it ever was. It's your responsibility now to bring this child up as best you can. You can't do that if you're working at a job that doesn't even require a high school diploma. Your education is no longer just for you. It's for your baby as well and, since you love him so much, you'll do the best you can for him.

Good luck!

2007-12-02 11:21:35 · answer #7 · answered by mattfromasia 7 · 1 0

Congratualations if you wanted a baby, but first and foremost tell your DAD, I'm sure that after the intial shock he'll be very comforting.... If not there are plenty of folks that can help you... Need advice, let me know, I have two kids I will help you any way I can. I would not have your baby's dad there, their is going to be enough emotion without the drama if you understand what I'm saying....... Be honest tell him now, you'll probably be surprised at the grandpa to be....
Good luck

2007-12-02 09:55:20 · answer #8 · answered by rgs3girls 3 · 2 1

If you know what your dad's like, only you will know if your boyfriend shoule be there.
I think he should, because that shows that he's devoted and responsible for what he's done, and that he won't be a drop kick dad.
As for telling your dad, come straight out with the truth. Say dad, I've got something to tell you. I'm pregnant.
You could explain to him that this is what you wanted, or you could say that it was an accident, but you've decided to be responsible for your actions.
He might be angry or upset, but he won't hate you. He'll come around eventually.

My partner was 26 when we had our son, and his dad still got upset.

Good luck.

2007-12-02 09:56:21 · answer #9 · answered by Mrs. Miller 6 · 3 1

just tell him the truth. don't wait until you've got a baby popping out of you. Just explain to him the reasons you wanted to get pregnant. And HELL NO don't bring the baby's daddy along. He'll probably beat the crap out of him. Good luck

2007-12-02 09:54:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1