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I have a HP notebook PC. My older brother downloaded limewire about half a year ago. But this is the real problem. My friend told me that limewire messed up his computer, and it shut-down by itself.

Does limewire do any harmful things to your comp/ laptop? Does it make it slower than usual? Please answer!


2007-12-02 06:48:48 · 3 answers · asked by Steph 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Laptops & Notebooks

3 answers

LimeWire itself won't hurt your PC. LimeWire allows you to download files from other peoples' computers. It is the files that you download that can cause problems if they contain trojans or viruses.

By all means install LimeWire, but make sure your firewall is turned on, you have antivirus software that is up-to-date, and you have an anti-spyware program or two.

When browsing LimeWire, avoid downloading .exe (executable) files and .gif (graphics interchange format) files and you should be OK.

2007-12-02 07:01:36 · answer #1 · answered by Michael B 6 · 0 0

This answer comes to you from LOTS of EXPERIENCE !! Yes Limewire can hurt your PC/laptop !! In our home we have 3 PC's , ours, sons, and daughters. and 2 laptops. Ours and sons. I have never had Limewire on either of my systems and I havent had any trouble. My son, without knowing better, downloaded limewire on his systems and our daughters comp. They both started shutting down by itself even if they were in the middle of something...........We had to do full recoveries on both systems........and his laptop!!
I think (some) people name files on limewire that look appealing to young ones but are really a virus - once they download it - too late. Just letting you know so you dont have the trouble we've had !! Good Luck

2007-12-02 15:00:04 · answer #2 · answered by Angela 4 · 0 1

Lime wire is an open source program that has no virus protection what so ever. Lime wire takes also takes up a gruesome amount of space, expecally if you have an older laptop. It just isn't worth it. Lime wire guarantees your computer will end up in the computer graveyard.

2007-12-02 15:07:51 · answer #3 · answered by Darlene C 1 · 0 0

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