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KFC doesn't only kill chickens for their food but they also abuse them while there alive. Go to youtube.com and type in "kentucky fried chicken - chicken abuse by pamela anderson" and watch the first video that shows up. Thank you!!!

2007-12-01 16:12:09 · 22 answers · asked by Sammy070 1 in Dining Out Fast Food

22 answers

First of all, the only way that KFC will be closed is if it stops being profitable. Many people, myself included, like the taste of their food, and really do not care about how or where the chickens were treated. You can get as many people as you want to sign anything, but as long as the business in making money, it will not close!!

2007-12-02 12:11:33 · answer #1 · answered by fire4511 7 · 1 0

OK what about every other restaurant? You think the animals just go to sleep. No they are all kept in pins the have there heads bashed in. So what Their chicken is freakin good. Why are you worried about a darn dumb chicken anyways?

This is also coming from PETA the people who will steal animals from research labs and watch these animals suffer for weeks and months before dying because they were not giving the medical care they needed. Oh yeah and lets not forget that PETA goes after children as well when they are eating at restaurants. Throwing blood on children now that is mature.

I hate to tell you that there is no such thing as free range chicken. That just means they were kept in a larger pin.

Be careful who align yourself with it might hurt you in the end.

Like some teenage kids is going to stop a multi-billion dollar company from selling finger licking good chicken. KFC is owned by Pepsi. So go for it and fight the man. you will lose. If you do not like the way the chicken is treated that is cool with me just do not go out and eat chicken. Think of all the chickens you will save.

Look who you are talking about I bet She would not know a chicken from a darn horse if you asked her.

2007-12-02 00:22:46 · answer #2 · answered by cpttango30 5 · 4 0

You do know that shutting down KFC will actually do more harm for the human race than it will do good for the chickens. Besides, practically every other restaurant in the world serves chicken. Do you really think to shut them all down? What will happen to all of their employees? Would you seriously put at least a quarter of the US wokforce out of jobs just to save a bunch of chickens from suffering before they die? Also, taking a petition won't do a thing. You would need to take it before a court, with enough signatures to prove to the judge that you have a valid point such that he won't throw your case out. The US has gone on for decades not knowing what KFC does to it's chickens and no one really cared. Good chicken is good chicken. Until I find a beak in my chicken, I'm just fine eating there. Take your "animals are equal to people" attidude somewhere where i won't have to deal with it.

2007-12-02 00:32:10 · answer #3 · answered by anon 1 · 3 0

So, Sammy boy, what did you have to eat today?

A nice juicy Mickey-D burger? Or some Bob Evans sausage links? Or a nice fillet of flounder?

And don't tell me you ate nothing but salad greens and carrots. And I wouldn't believe anything on youtube.com or any other site you worship.

2007-12-02 00:22:00 · answer #4 · answered by BC 6 · 4 0

Honestly, you probably won't get anywhere with shutting down KFC.
i mean maybe you could get somewhere with making them stop abusing chickens but...
would be mad if you shut down KFC, because people don't care about those chickens...
you just eat them after >_<

2007-12-02 00:17:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Yeah, it's bad stuff.
But KFC is a huge company. Unless you get a million signatures - and each of those people contribute a billion dollars.... good luck.
But you could make a difference. You could start up a local group of protesters who refuse to eat at your local KFC restaurant. You could try to get the media involved. Encourage others to join. that will bring attention to KFC, and maybe persuade a few people not to go there.

2007-12-02 00:16:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Sammy - you need 11,023 signatures of people 18 and older. With those signatures, they will definitely shut down KFC - I promise you.

2007-12-02 01:07:59 · answer #7 · answered by Merve 2 · 0 2

haha. dream on. like you could really close down kfc. I know they're cruel and everything, but really, close them down? that's practically impossible, unless you get like at least half of the population to sign your petition, which i doubt. you also have to be at least 18 if you want your petition to actually mean something.

2007-12-02 01:14:25 · answer #8 · answered by angela 2 · 1 1

kfc will react to a campaign but your being childish to think you will shut them down.

2007-12-02 00:19:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

0. Their bad chicken will close themselves. I mean it tastes bad; not the treatment of their chickens, I mean come on, its just food. Pamela ANderson = HOT

2007-12-02 00:16:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4