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how come when i go to system requirements lab and see if i can run a game,at the bottom where it says the results it says that

Your driver version number is:

Your video card driver version is provided for your information, but it is not part of this analysis. But proper video card driver versions are important to the proper operation of your product.

so i click on the free video card update,but it takes me to AMD's website.but i already have the latest catalyst version 7.11 so why is the driver out-of-date?and where can i get the latest one?thanks.

2007-12-01 10:25:40 · 2 answers · asked by dbsantos77 4 in Computers & Internet Hardware Desktops

I got an ASUS radeon x1550

2007-12-01 10:28:25 · update #1

2 answers

Click Start, click Run, type dxdiag, ok. Select display tab. On the right portion you will see driver detail. If it is not catalyst v7.11, then it was not actually installed. Reinstall it.

Uninstall old driver. Disable all startups by running msconfig. This ensures no potential conflict with startups during installation. Install cat v7.11. Check in dxdiag if new driver is there. Enable again your startups in msconfig.

2007-12-01 10:51:45 · answer #1 · answered by Karz 7 · 2 0

is it really telling you that the driver is out of date or is it just telling you the driver version and letting you decide if it is current? The quote you gave us doesn't say anywhere that the driver is out of date, it just says that having an up to date driver is important. So if you have updated your driver to the most current version, maybe just assume you are good and see what happens...

2007-12-01 10:41:17 · answer #2 · answered by CB 2 · 0 2

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