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He took a nation that was demoralized and united it.
He gave the nation a mission or focus.
His engineers built and invented Freeways.
The German economy boomed.
He gave the German people back their confidence in themselves.
Why am I asking this question? I'm asking this question because most people only know the very narrow and limited history they learn in public schools. History is not just one sided. There are many good things that notorious leaders have done. If you ask, "Was Hitler good for Germany?" Yes in the beginning. But how many people actually take the time to read history? Many talk about it, but few know it!

2007-12-01 09:50:37 · 14 answers · asked by hossteacher 3 in Arts & Humanities History

Perhaps on the Moral level all the evil he did outweighs the good. But we are talking here about history. History has to look at both sides. How did Hitler gain control over the German people? History cannot turn a blind eye because it is in facing facts straight on that changes can be made. To be ignorant of history is to repeat it.

2007-12-01 10:05:06 · update #1

14 answers

You are absolutely right. Before the Kristellnacht, Hitler was the most popular leader in Europe. He was even Time Magazine's Man Of The Year in 1938. You make a very good point, too. He created the Autobahn, for the use of the German civilians in peacetime, but for the use of the military in wartime. President Eisenhower saw the Autobahn system when serving in WWII, and was so impressed that when he became President, he copied it in this country. Our present system of interstate highways are the result. Think of that the next time you go on a road trip!

2007-12-01 09:59:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I don't think many people realise Hitler was voted into power, and he was indeed very popular in the beginning. He made Germany a power again. This does not in any way cancel out or excuse the evil done later. It's just fact.

After the first world war, Germany's economy was left in tatters. In situations like this, where there is no strong leadership, people in a democracy vote in extremes - either for Far Left or Far Right parties, who promise drastic measures to make things better. This is what happened in Germany.

2007-12-01 10:55:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Germans are hyper-sensitive about Hitler because of all the propaganda and brainwashing they've undergone through their education system after WW2. It has been enforced upon them by the Americans who still have military bases there. The fear of mentioning anything to do with Hitler is ingrained along with the fear of finding out what really happened. Hitler didn't actually destroy Germany - the allies did. Hitler was in fact a natural consequence of the draconian reparations regime placed on Germany after WW1, and they were forced into WW1 because of their increasing economic power that Britain and France could not tolerate. But again, Germany has become an economic power regardless of repeated attempts to destroy it. The danger now is that Germany could self-destruct due to the strain placed upon their economy by mass immigration combined with the self-loathing that has been brainwashed into them. I hope they don't let it happen and wake up to what has been done to them before it is too late, or they will be too ashamed of their past to defend themselves.

2016-04-07 02:18:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some people go through life believing that one person - in this case - Adolf Hitler - did things that were truly impossible for one person to do...thereby denying the roles that others played in History. Don't you think it's time you give the others some credit? This is also the result of the "narrow and limited History they learn in public (or private schools)."

Many ask questions about it, but do not necessary have a fuller understanding of it. You could say similar things about Joseph Stalin and it would amount to the same. But I agree with Yevgeny Yevtushenko when he said: "Now that the years have passed, I realize that Stalin's greatest crime was not the arrests and the shootings he ordered. His greatest crime was the corruption of the human spirit."

(taken from 'Precocious Autobiography' by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, 1963)

2007-12-01 14:25:00 · answer #4 · answered by WMD 7 · 4 0

In addition to the other things you listed, I have to add that he did a great thing for the WORLD. Now, many people take notice of things like racial profiling, and compare it to Nazi Germany...this scares many people into coming up with new solutions. It doesn't always work, but if you have that fear that something small could turn into something huge, like it did in Hitler's time, it can make you change the way you look at an issue.

2007-12-01 10:31:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Early on yes. Unfortunately most of these benefits were only derived as a side effect. Hitler was always attempting to rebuild Germany as a military power. The people and infrastructure benefitted from this, but eventually he threw it all away by invading his neighbors and started the most destructive conflict Europe has ever seen.

2007-12-01 13:15:40 · answer #6 · answered by rohak1212 7 · 6 0

But how expensive were those freeways and national confidence?

He began a war that killed more than 50 million people.

I also understand he was kind to his dog. Your statements and mine don't change the fact the world suffered because Hitler led Germany.

2007-12-01 10:01:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anthony M 6 · 7 1

In some yes he was but you got to remember he made a lot of bad decision he put Germany in worse shape than it was caused it to become the most hated ccountry in world war 2

2007-12-01 09:59:25 · answer #8 · answered by Andrew S 2 · 4 3

just one , ended depression in Germany , everything else are evil deed because he help Germany raise after WW I but also cost the downfall of Germany by end of WWII.

2007-12-01 10:22:34 · answer #9 · answered by Ming P 5 · 0 2

Would like to know this too

2016-07-30 08:06:31 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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